Cakes and Ale: Or the Skeleton in the Cupboard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cakes and Ale: Or the Skeleton in the Cupboard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does William notice about Amy?
(a) She is submissive to men.
(b) She is quite pretty.
(c) She is good at getting her own way.
(d) She is a bit churlish.

2. What is Amy sure that Ted did not know?
(a) About Rosie's affairs.
(b) That Rosie had been married twice before meeting Ted.
(c) About Ted's brother taking all the money from his parents' estate.
(d) That Rosie talked badly about Ted behind his back.

3. What is one thing that has not changed about Rosie when William sees her late in her life?
(a) Her child-like and mischievous smile.
(b) Her deepset, sparkling eyes.
(c) Her good figure.
(d) Her concern for others.

4. Who attends Ted and Rosie's parties who helps propel artists to fame?
(a) Isabel Trafford.
(b) Lord George.
(c) The Editor of McMillian Publishing.
(d) The Duke of York.

5. Who does Rosie say is always the perfect gentleman?
(a) William.
(b) Kear.
(c) Ted.
(d) Kemp.

6. In what type of neighborhood do the Driffields reside?
(a) An upper middle class, neat and well kept one.
(b) One that is on the edge of the homes of the peerage.
(c) One that had once been respectable but has declined.
(d) A lower working-class one that is loud and smelly.

7. Who did Rosie think Ted would marry rather than Amy?
(a) Isabel.
(b) Mary-Ann.
(c) His first girlfriend with whom he has a son.
(d) No one.

8. What did Isabel work tirelessly for after Rosie leaves Ted?
(a) To increase Ted's reputation.
(b) To have Ted forget Rosie.
(c) To help Ted get emotionally balanced and back to writing.
(d) To find Ted a new wife.

9. With whom does Ted spend most of his time at the Saturday gatherings?
(a) With Isabel.
(b) With older and more important guests than William.
(c) With Kear and Kemp.
(d) With Rosie.

10. To whom has Roy grown close?
(a) Rosie.
(b) Amy.
(c) William.
(d) The Traffords.

11. With what motif is William's old room decorated?
(a) No particular motif.
(b) Religious.
(c) Literature.
(d) Sports.

12. Where does money come from to Mrs. Grann?
(a) New York.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Boston.
(d) Washington, D.C.

13. What does Ted seem to be doing?
(a) Broadening his horizons.
(b) Getting ready to divorce Rosie.
(c) Getting ready to snatch a piece of fame.
(d) William has no sense about it.

14. What does William do in the evenings while living at Vincent Square?
(a) Socializes at the gentleman's club.
(b) Goes to the races with the Driffields.
(c) Studies his medical material.
(d) Reads to improve his mind.

15. What portrait is there that shows a work of Hillier?
(a) Hillier's of Ted and Rosie together.
(b) Hillier's portrait of Ted.
(c) Hillier's portrait of Rosie.
(d) Hillier's Ted and Rosie's little girl.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does William say about Rosie's heart?

2. Who is Mrs. Hudson?

3. Where do Roy and William meet?

4. What does Rosie do instead of talking a lot?

5. What does Ted next write?

(see the answer keys)

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