The Caine Mutiny Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Caine Mutiny Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does Bird compare Queeg's ball rolling?
(a) Two people arguing.
(b) A subconscious effort to be in charge.
(c) Fondling poisonous pellets of feces.
(d) A compensation for his lack of courage.

2. Which potential witness is left in a vegetative state after shock therapy?
(a) Queeg.
(b) Jellybelly.
(c) Stilwell.
(d) Keith.

3. Why can't the Caine join the rest of the sweepers for the surrender ceremonies?
(a) Its rudder is broken.
(b) It has been junked in Okinawa.
(c) It is docked in Pearl Harbor.
(d) Its boiler pumps are broken.

4. According to Willie's testimony, how did he know Queeg was terrified during the typhoon?
(a) He kept yelling orders.
(b) His face was green and petrified with terror.
(c) He left his post on the bridge.
(d) He curled up and started screaming.

5. How long does the court debate over the verdict?
(a) One hour and ten minutes.
(b) Twenty-three hours and fifteen minutes.
(c) Twelve hours.
(d) Nine hours and forty-five minutes.

6. What is the name of the ship that Admiral Halsey is on?
(a) The Arizona.
(b) The Michigan.
(c) The Colorado.
(d) The New Jersey.

7. What is awaiting the guests at the celebration party?
(a) A pair of steel balls for each guest.
(b) A green-iced cake in the shape of a book.
(c) An ice sculpture of the Caine.
(d) Copies of "Multitudes, Multitudes" for everyone.

8. Who is Captain Randolph P. Southard?
(a) He is Stilwell's doctor.
(b) He is a psychiatrist.
(c) He is an expert witness on ship handling.
(d) He is a fellow DMS captain.

9. Who is captain of the Caine when the Kamikaze hits?
(a) Keefer.
(b) Keith.
(c) White.
(d) De Vriess.

10. How does Queeg look when Barney calls him to the stand?
(a) Shifty and disheveled.
(b) Debonair and self-assured.
(c) Tired and aged.
(d) Small and haughty.

11. When Barney asks about the day of the typhoon, how does Queeg react?
(a) He pulls out a cigarette.
(b) He gets indignant and asks for redirection.
(c) He refuses to answer any of the questions.
(d) He pulls the steel balls out of his pocket.

12. Where is Barney Greenwald from?
(a) San Diego, California.
(b) Phoenix, Arizona.
(c) Manhattan, New York.
(d) Albuquerque, New Mexico.

13. After midnight on the day of the Kamikaze attack, what does Willie do?
(a) He finally eats a hot meal.
(b) He writes May a love letter.
(c) He conducts a funeral.
(d) He goes to sleep.

14. Which yeoman reports that the mess boys ate the strawberries?
(a) Whittaker.
(b) Jellybelly.
(c) Smith.
(d) Volk.

15. What does Willie see on the radar when he goes to take a look?
(a) Twenty blips that look like submarines.
(b) Nothing because they are broken.
(c) A colossal sized storm.
(d) Nothing but sea spray.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does the nickname "Old Swandive" refer to?

2. How does Willie feel when he reads that he's being recommended for a court martial?

3. What does Greenwald keep drawing on his legal pad?

4. The book describes Willie's home as being the same except for what?

5. How much did Greenwald make four years out of law school?

(see the answer keys)

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