Caddie Woodlawn Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Ryrie Brink
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Caddie Woodlawn Test | Final Test - Easy

Carol Ryrie Brink
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Caddie do when she hears what Hetty is voting for?
(a) Cries.
(b) Kisses her on the cheek.
(c) Runs away.
(d) Hugs her.

2. What do the Hankinsons do when their mother shows up in the school room?
(a) Run away.
(b) Cry.
(c) Hit her.
(d) Yell.

3. What happens that makes Harriet cry for the first time Caddie remembers?
(a) Her favorite turkey is poisoned.
(b) Mary dies.
(c) She burns her hand.
(d) A hog ruins her butter.

4. Where does Caddie keep the gift that Indian John leaves for her when he comes to the Woodlawn's house?
(a) Her bedroom.
(b) A trinket box.
(c) The attic.
(d) The barn.

5. What is the flash of red Caddie sees in the trees after the steamer comes?
(a) Robins.
(b) Cardinals.
(c) A red scarf.
(d) Changing leaf colors.

6. What does Caddie say the girl Tom has a crush on looks like?
(a) A lovely lady.
(b) A fairy tale princess.
(c) A sickly worm.
(d) A small child.

7. Why do the boys start doing housework?
(a) It makes Harriet happy.
(b) They want to be indoors.
(c) They get paid.
(d) Caddie is doing it.

8. Where does Pee Wee say he got all his sheep?
(a) The lake.
(b) The river.
(c) The tavern.
(d) The canyon.

9. Why does Caddie not hug the dog while Indian John is at her house?
(a) She knows it would stay with her.
(b) She doesn't know how the dog feels.
(c) She wants the dog to leave.
(d) She doesn't want to offend John.

10. Which of the following does Caddie NOT think will vote to stay in America?
(a) Hetty.
(b) Johnny.
(c) Warren.
(d) Tom.

11. What does Caddie picture every time she thinks of an English estate?
(a) Peacocks.
(b) A moat.
(c) Hoop skirts.
(d) Iron bars.

12. How does the steamer announce its coming?
(a) It sends a telegram.
(b) It puts an ad in the newspaper.
(c) It whistles.
(d) It sends a messenger ahead of it.

13. What does Indian John give Caddie when he is eating at Harriet's table?
(a) A bow and arrow.
(b) A bag of beads and feathers.
(c) A hair tie.
(d) Moccasins.

14. What will two of the children do while one is working?
(a) Draw pictures.
(b) Play a game.
(c) Tell stories.
(d) Sing songs.

15. What are Annabelle and Clara doing under a tree when Caddie joins them?
(a) Drawing.
(b) Quilting.
(c) Petting kittens.
(d) Cross stitching.

Short Answer Questions

1. What large chore does Johnny give Caddie and Tom during the summer?

2. What causes the roaring in the river?

3. Why does Caddie like fall and spring more than the other seasons?

4. What news does the steamer bring when it comes?

5. What does Caddie dream about before the day of the big decision?

(see the answer keys)

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