Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Test | Final Test - Easy

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the main rule in a form of football that Indians played with a wood chip initially buried in an area between 2 goal sticks at each end?
(a) Stay on one foot and use a stick to dig and nudge the chip to the goal.
(b) Use a stick with hands behind to dig and nudge the chip to the goal.
(c) Use only toes and feet to dig the chip out and kick it to the goal.
(d) Use only toes to dig the chip out and nudge it with a stick to the goal.

2. November included many gray days with heavy rolling clouds that reminded Chief Tibeash of what animals?
(a) Great migrating caribou herds.
(b) Big hunting wolf packs.
(c) Large flocks of gray geese.
(d) Giant schools of Great Lakes fish.

3. What were the woods described as having been like in July?
(a) Dry, hot, and noisy.
(b) Dry, cool, and quiet.
(c) Dry, hot, and quiet.
(d) Wet, hot, and quiet.

4. Pictures of what animals were noted to be about the most difficult to get?
(a) Hummingbirds.
(b) Toads.
(c) Jumping fish.
(d) Owls.

5. The company's plane made its last flight in November until the lake ice was solid and it could land with what equipment?
(a) Skis on snow-cleared lake ice.
(b) Wheels on snow-cushioned lake ice.
(c) Skis on snow-cushioned lake ice.
(d) Wheels on snow-cleared lake ice.

6. It was recommended that any bacon taken was lean for what reason?
(a) Lean bacon was healthier.
(b) Fat bacon left little once fried.
(c) Fat bacon was tougher.
(d) Lean bacon kept longer.

7. It was suggested that "butterflies seem to dress to suit" what?
(a) The amount of sun.
(b) The temperature.
(c) The season.
(d) The time of day.

8. Conifers bear evergreen needles and cones, while deciduous shed leaves annually. Which 3 were called "deciduous conifer"?
(a) Tamarack, hackmatack, and black larch.
(b) Larch, western juniper, and black fir.
(c) Balsam fir, eastern hemlock, and tamarack.
(d) Northern pine, balsam fir, and weeping willow.

9. Striking two chunks of pyrite yielded sparks that could kindle a fire, and iron pyrite was commonly called what?
(a) Yellow Gold.
(b) Sparkling Gold.
(c) Fool's Gold.
(d) 2 Karat Gold.

10. A cold room in the ground was built of double board walls separated by 2"x4" uprights, and the space between filled with what substance?
(a) Wood chips.
(b) Pine cones.
(c) Sawdust.
(d) Sand.

11. Rice was considered an essential ration for what reason?
(a) It mixed well with many foods.
(b) It was among the healthiest.
(c) It took little room and was light.
(d) It needed only to be boiled.

12. September days were described as often having been clear and feeling what?
(a) Hot.
(b) Cool.
(c) Warm.
(d) Cold.

13. How was a mattress that was ordered from a catalog transported to Cache Lake?
(a) Stretched centered and lashed atop the wings of a pontoon plane.
(b) Rolled tightly around a long pole that rested on two men's shoulders.
(c) Rolled tightly inside a pontoon plane cabin.
(d) Lashed like a horseshoe over the back of a pack mule.

14. How much flour was recommended could be substituted per each loaf of bread taken for a week's venture?
(a) 1/4 lbs.
(b) 1/2 lbs.
(c) 1/3 lbs.
(d) None.

15. June brought with it the first of the Cree families for the summer that came by birch canoe to settle in where?
(a) Cache Lake.
(b) Snow Goose Lake.
(c) Shining Tree Lake.
(d) Beaver Tail Lake.

Short Answer Questions

1. Three blasts on the horn made from that of a buffalo was suggested to signal what?

2. When shoes began to chafe, what was suggested as a means to prevent the almost certain accompanying blister?

3. Teams often left their logging camps around what time, with only the cook and his crew remaining?

4. It was noted that tree swallows ate what else beyond insects as few other swallows did?

5. Jim tried to do what if a thunderstorm came up when he was on the lake in his canoe?

(see the answer keys)

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