Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11, October, Frost on Scarlet Leaves.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Beyond wire springs, a diagram of one way a leather camp bellows could be made indicated what might be used to keep them expanded?
(a) Willow.
(b) Walnut.
(c) Elm.
(d) Oak.

2. What was described as a good way to store fish in the winter?
(a) Frozen in the ice.
(b) Wrapped in leaves and bark.
(c) Dried and smoked.
(d) Pickled in vinegar.

3. Cree Indians viewed the Big Dipper (part of Ursa Major) as the Great Bear constellation, and the three stars in the handle as what?
(a) Beehives.
(b) Paw tracks.
(c) Hunters.
(d) Cubs.

4. The remedy offered for metal that got so cold that it chipped was to heat it until it was dull red before it was plunged into what?
(a) A cold spring.
(b) A pail of tree sap.
(c) A bucket of packed snow.
(d) A can of oil.

5. What time of year was it when Jim first came upon Cache Lake?
(a) Early June.
(b) Early January.
(c) Early September.
(d) Early March.

Short Answer Questions

1. What lightweight metal was recommended for use inside a leather axe sheath to protect it and the blade?

2. Jim related the story of a man who fed, tamed, and finally broke to harness a calf bull moose that pulled his what?

3. If one did not have a compass, what was suggested one could use?

4. Teams often left their logging camps around what time, with only the cook and his crew remaining?

5. What was Chief Tibeash searching for when he tested the water in a stream by periodically sticking his hand in?

(see the answer key)

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