Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

John J. Rowlands
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Cache Lake Country: Life in the North Woods Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11, October, Frost on Scarlet Leaves.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Rice was considered an essential ration for what reason?
(a) It was among the healthiest.
(b) It needed only to be boiled.
(c) It mixed well with many foods.
(d) It took little room and was light.

2. Jim named his new husky pup Tripper for what reasons?
(a) As a pup he tripped his owner, and later would take many sled trips.
(b) As a pup he tripped his owner, and later would take many canoe trips.
(c) As a pup he tripped about, and tripped anyone near him.
(d) As a pup he tripped about, and later would take many sled trips.

3. What was described as the best hour a summer day offered?
(a) Dawn.
(b) Midnight.
(c) Noon.
(d) Dusk.

4. For what purpose did Chief Tibeash fell dead trees when camping?
(a) For spirits as dead trees left standing brought rain and bad luck.
(b) For camp perimeter as drier dead trees cracked louder and awakened.
(c) For fires as standing dead trees were drier than timber on the ground.
(d) For shelter as drier, standing dead trees repelled more moisture.

5. The French Canadian ovens described were made of mortar or clay on a cedar log or stone foundation, and were built how tall?
(a) 6-8".
(b) Waist-high.
(c) 12-14".
(d) 18-20".

Short Answer Questions

1. Jim wrote about a young man that once blazed a trail on the side he came from, and might have been lost on his return if he had not done what?

2. What were the little wooden pipes used to tap sugar maples for sap called?

3. After owls have gulped their food down whole and it has digested, what was the next step for bones and fur?

4. Jim noted he always took along what item on long canoe trips?

5. Great horned mother owls have nested in late February with the young beneath the mother's wings and covered in what color fuzz?

(see the answer key)

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