By Way of Deception Test | Final Test - Hard

Victor Ostrovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

By Way of Deception Test | Final Test - Hard

Victor Ostrovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose tactics do the Chilean security operators use in killing Orlando Letelier in Chapter 11?

2. Which of the following dissident groups does Carlos assist in Chapter 10?

3. What is the only official Mossad building in the US in Chapter 14?

4. In Chapter 16, the Libyan contact agrees to help the katsas only if information is needed on _____________.

5. How do the Israeli's stop Abu Nidel's ship in Chapter 16?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are the Ethiopian Jews particularly endangered in Chapter 15?

2. How does Mossad thwart Arafat's arms deal in Chapter 13?

3. What does Israeli security decide it wants to focus on in 1975?

4. Why is Yassar Arafat unpopular with fundamentalists?

5. How does Mossad take down the United States ambassador to the UN in Chapter 14?

6. Why does attaining an Exocet missile head prove difficult for Mossad in Chapter 11?

7. What do the Israeli's decide regarding Libya in the beginning of Chapter 16?

8. What is the Tsafririm?

9. How does the Mossad make initial contact with Magid?

10. How does Orlando Letelier's death illuminate the Mossad connection to DINA?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The chapters of By Way of Deception often begin by presenting an operation from the point-of-view of an outsider. In this way, the reader is incrementally made aware of the true motivation behind seemingly innocuous actions. Write a three-part essay about this chapter structure.

Part 1) How is the reader introduced to the character of Halim in the Prologue? Discuss the process by which the Mossad makes contact with him. How does the reader become aware of which character is a katsas and what the Mossad wants with Halim? How does the reader exist in the same narrative space as Halim does?

Part 2) How is the reader introduced to the character of Magid in Chapter 12, and how are we made aware of his intelligence importance? Chart the journey this character takes during the chapter. Does he ever realize that he has been working for the Mossad? If not, how does the reader become aware?

Part 3) In Chapter 15, how does Ostrofsky initially present the resort that is used to shelter Ethiopian Jews. What is the initial picture painted of the resort? How does this understanding of it cloak its true purposes? Discuss the process by which the author reveals the true nature of the resort.

Essay Topic 2

Throughout By Way of Deception, Ostrovsky portrays Israel as a nation in the midst of a hostile region. The author introduces numerous prominent enemies of the State of Israel. Write an essay about three such enemies. Why does each enemy protest regarding Israel? What tactics do they use to harm the nation? How does Israel respond to this danger, and what role Mossad play in this struggle? Does Israel succeed in neutralizing the enemy?

Part 1) PLO

Part 2) Black September

Part 3) Libya

Essay Topic 3

One of the operational tools of the Mossad in the novel is vice, in the form of prostitutes, booze, and pornography. Write an essay on the use of vice by katsas to bring recruits on board. Cite specific examples from the text. How does sex and debauchery appeal to the type of individual they want to recruit? How does the pleasure of the forbidden provide a still-stronger hold on the recruit than a more sensible form of compensation?

(see the answer keys)

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