By Way of Deception Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Victor Ostrovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

By Way of Deception Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Victor Ostrovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much more training do the cadets have at the end of Chapter 7?

2. What is the international communications discussed most prominently in Chapter 7?

3. Where is Victor sent for his botched assignment in Chapter 8?

4. In Chapter 9, how does Abu Hassan plan to kill Meir?

5. What does Ostrovsky pose as in the second half of Chapter 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Ostrovsky's first assignments go in Chapter 5?

2. How is the head of Black September connected to Akbar in Chapter 9?

3. How do the recruits lives change in Chapter 5?

4. Describe the web of recruits related in Chapter 4.

5. What is the Mossad line on the Kennedy assassination?

6. What does Halim eventually provide the Mossad in the Prologue?

7. What story does Dan Drory tell the cadets in Chapter 7?

8. What is Victor's last cadet exercise?

9. How does Mossad eventually avert the assassination of Golda Meir in Chapter 9?

10. How is the Cypress mission botched in Chapter 8?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The Mossad is a clandestine agency, and as such its operations are intended to be carried out without international knowledge. Write a three part essay about operations described in the book that are contingent upon no one knowing who is involved.

Part 1) Discuss the operations undertaken by the segment of Mossad known as Al. What country does Al operate out of, and why does it not know of Mossad's involvement? How does Al remain covert? Discuss how Al affects its host country's foreign policy. What change does it enact in the government?

Part 2) Why does the Mossad create a resort in the Sudan? Analyze how Israel deceives two nations in this operation. What is its primary objective, and how does the resort assist in accomplishing this? Discuss what occurs that forces the termination of this operation.

Part 3) Analyze how Israel interferes in the political world of the PLO under Arafat. How does Arafat's position in the Palestinian community make him easy to infiltrate? What opening does the Mossad use to approach him? How do they thwart his interests in doing so?

Essay Topic 2

The operations described in Victor Ostrovsky's book can be divided into two categories which include those that are reacting to attacks on Israel and those preemptively trying to stop future attacks. Write an essay in which you compare these operations. Offer an example of each, and determine which is more effective. What tactics are used in each type of operation? How does the world react to each type? In the end, does either type of operation seem totally effective?

Essay Topic 3

The plot of By Way of Deception is deeply entrenched in the world of the 1970's and 1980's. Israel, in the wake of the 1967 War. Write an essay about the international community during the novel. How is Islamism and Palestinian nationalism on the rise? What is the role of international terrorism? Is America's role in this political climate similar or different from the way it is today? Discuss how Mossad's role is created by the era.

(see the answer keys)

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