By Way of Deception Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Victor Ostrovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

By Way of Deception Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Victor Ostrovsky
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Itsik's complaint about Victor regarding the Tel Aviv hotel job?
(a) Victor was known at the hotel.
(b) Victor shot a bellhop.
(c) Victor spoke Yiddish by mistake.
(d) Victor did not distract the target.

2. Where is Victor sent for his botched assignment in Chapter 8?
(a) Lisbon.
(b) New Delhi.
(c) Amsterdam.
(d) Cypress.

3. According to the Mossad authorities in Chapter 7, why did the Mafia kill John F. Kennedy?
(a) A gangster was in love with Marilyn Monroe.
(b) It wanted in on the oil business.
(c) They did not trust an Irish president.
(d) They were angry that Kennedy lost Cuba.

4. What does Black September do in Chapter 9 to distract from its assassination plans?
(a) It attacks an embassy in Bangkok.
(b) It takes hostages at a NATO conference.
(c) It begins killing Mossad officers.
(d) It bombs a CIA post in Egypt.

5. In Chapter 4, the cadets learn how to handle what for recruits?
(a) Protection.
(b) Cartography.
(c) Finances.
(d) False identities.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 7, who does the Mossad say was the most important target in Dallas on November 22, 1963?

2. In addition to an Egyptian scientist, whom else is killed by the Mossad in the Prologue?

3. What is Jumbo?

4. Who gives the katsas in Chapter 9 a booby-trapped case?

5. What is the acronym for the Mossad writing system?

Short Essay Questions

1. What training do the cadets receive in Chapter 3?

2. How does the Mossad make first contact with Halim in the Prologue?

3. How do the recruits lives change in Chapter 5?

4. How is the training divided up in Chapter 2?

5. How is the Cypress mission botched in Chapter 8?

6. Who is Akbar?

7. What is Victor's last cadet exercise?

8. Describe the Danish operation in Chapter 6.

9. Describe the awkward interaction between Jerry S. and Victor in Chapter 8?

10. What is the Komemiute?

(see the answer keys)

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