Butterfly Yellow Multiple Choice Test Questions

Thanhha Lai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Butterfly Yellow Multiple Choice Test Questions

Thanhha Lai
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapters 1-12

1. Why does Hằng eat ginger on the bus?
(a) She wants to remember her past.
(b) She wants to be healthy.
(c) She wants to soothe her nausea.
(d) She's bored.

2. Why is Hằng nervous about her uncle finding her?
(a) She owes her uncle money.
(b) Her uncle wants to punish her.
(c) Her uncle wants to take her back with him.
(d) She is being grounded.

3. What is LeeRoy's background?
(a) He is poor and from Houston.
(b) He is from Austin and has two professors as parents.
(c) He is from Northern Texas and his grandfather was the first Black landowner in the state.
(d) He is from Dallas and comes from oil money.

4. What does En-Di want to call Hằng?
(a) She wants to call her Moon.
(b) She wants to call her Holly.
(c) She wants to call her Leslie.
(d) She wants to call her Cora.

5. How does En-Di help Hằng?
(a) She tells her dad where Hằng is going so he can keep Hằng safe.
(b) She lends Hằng her Mustang.
(c) She convinces LeeRoy to drive Hằng to Amarillo.
(d) She packs her clothes in a backpack and gives her sixty dollars of savings, then drives her to the bus station.

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