Butcher's Crossing Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Butcher's Crossing Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

John Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Andrews presents a letter to McDonald when he finds him in Butcher's Crossing. By whom is the letter signed?
(a) By Andrews's father.
(b) By Andrews's brother.
(c) By Andrews's uncle.
(d) By Andrews's cousin.

2. How long ago does Miller say the hunt took place that resulted in the pile of buffalo bones?
(a) No more than one month.
(b) Just under one year.
(c) No more than two years.
(d) No more than three months.

3. What happens to cause Miller to decide to use the last of the party's water for the oxen and horses?
(a) One of the horses stumbles and falls down.
(b) One of the oxen stumbles and falls down.
(c) He notices that the horses are no longer sweating.
(d) Andrews pleads with him to help the animals.

4. Miller states that people with what jobs will come to collect the buffalo bones?
(a) Jewelry makers.
(b) Farmers.
(c) Blacksmiths.
(d) Oil barons.

5. When the pain in Andrews's legs dulls after a few days, what word does the narrator use to describe how his legs feel?
(a) Glue.
(b) Paste.
(c) Metal.
(d) Wood.

Short Answer Questions

1. How had Charley lost a part of his body?

2. What does Miller do to help the man traveling from Ohio to California?

3. What is NOT a quality of the hunting party's horses by noon on the first day of the expedition?

4. McDonald asks Andrews for a favor before he leaves McDonald's presence. What is it?

5. On what object does Andrews have to keep his eyes fixed in order to follow the hunting party once the land becomes flat?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the reader learn about the protagonist before even knowing his name?

2. What reservations does Schneider share about the prospect of the buffalo hunting expedition?

3. What distinction does Miller make between Boston prostitutes and Butcher's Crossing prostitutes?

4. What does the hunting party's thirst symbolize?

5. What is the main hardship Andrews faces in the first days of the hunting expedition?

6. What is shown about Andrews's character in the passage when he tries to summon the images of the Colorado territory he has seen in books and magazines?

7. Discuss how Andrews and McDonald qualify as character foils.

8. What query is made within the letter from Andrews's father to McDonald and how does McDonald respond?

9. What is the symbolism of the Smoky Hill trail?

10. How is foreshadowing employed within the scene focusing on Charley's lost hand?

(see the answer keys)

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