Burr Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burr Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Reginald Gower?
(a) The man who buys Mrs. Townsend's brothel.
(b) The long lost son of Aaron Burr.
(c) The boy who Charlie and Helen see involved with another man.
(d) The publisher who offers Charlie $1000 for a spurious pamphlet on Burr.

2. What happened to the judge who presided over Elma Sands' murder trial?
(a) He was dismissed of duties.
(b) He was promoted.
(c) He vanished.
(d) He was found strangled in his bed.

3. Within 6 months of taking office, with which powerful family in New York does Jefferson renew his alliance?
(a) The Monroes.
(b) The Hamiltons.
(c) The Madisons.
(d) The Clintons.

4. When Mrs. James Reynolds blackmails Alexander Hamilton, how does he respond?
(a) He pays with a loan from his father.
(b) He pays with the U.S. Treasury money.
(c) He pays with a loan from his son.
(d) He does not pay her.

5. What does Burr identify, at age 19, as George Washington's only good quality?
(a) He is young and muscular.
(b) He has the demeanor of a general.
(c) He comes from a well-off family.
(d) He is an experienced leader.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what paper is Jefferson temporarily affiliated?

2. What are the Tory-Federalists also known as?

3. Which of the following individuals is not a part of Publius?

4. Why does Burr find it surprising that George Washington, a Virginian, is put in charge of the Continental Army?

5. What does Publius support?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the events surrounding the trial of Levi Weeks.

2. Describe the events surrounding Dolley and James Madison's introduction.

3. What does Mrs. Rosanna Townsend tell Charlie when he presses for information on his visit?

4. Why is Burr reluctant to become a political leader and how does Hamilton's attitude about politics compare?

5. After Burr's investment partners in the Texas land scheme come looking for him, what does Mrs. Burr tell Charlie at the City Hotel?

6. What do Leggett and Mr. Bryant want Charlie to use his relationship with Burr to do and why?

7. On what matter does Washington ask Burr's advice, what advice does Burr give him, and what does he do with this advice?

8. What are some of the experiences that Burr has had before the book begins?

9. When does Burr first meet James Madison, and what are the circumstances?

10. Describe the different ways that Washington and others believe that he should be addressed. Explain any reasoning behind these titles.

(see the answer keys)

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