Burr Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burr Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What flaw in the Constitution does Burr find important but refuse to tell Jefferson?
(a) That the states are controlled to tightly.
(b) That the states have the right to nullify federal law or secede.
(c) That the power given to the President is too great.
(d) hat the power of the Judiciary system is not strong enough.

2. After Charlie comes to the realization that Burr and Leggett have similar qualities, how does he bring them together?
(a) By bribing them.
(b) As enemies.
(c) He doesn't bring them together.
(d) As equals.

3. In June of 1808, what disguise does Burr adopt?
(a) That of R. J. Hastings.
(b) That of H. E. Edwards.
(c) That of Alexander Hamilton.
(d) That of Sam Swartwout.

4. For when is the duel between Burr and Hamilton scheduled?
(a) October 2, 1804.
(b) September 26, 1804.
(c) August 24, 1804.
(d) July 11, 1804.

5. What event happens in December, 1835 that bankrupts the insurance companies?
(a) The attack by Spaniards.
(b) A fire.
(c) A flood.
(d) The end of government loans.

6. Who serves as Burr's defense council in his treason trial where Jefferson plays prosecutor?
(a) Luther Martin.
(b) John Marshall.
(c) James Wilkinson.
(d) Alexander Hamilton.

7. What holiday is being celebrated when Swartwout comes to visit Charlie on his consulship?
(a) The Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
(b) The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord.
(c) The Feast of Corpus Christi.
(d) The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

8. What is Charlie's Italian wife's name?
(a) Carolina.
(b) Adriana.
(c) Gina.
(d) Bianca.

9. How long is the trial for the murderer in the case for which Charlie was originally accused?
(a) 1 day.
(b) Three days.
(c) Two months.
(d) A week.

10. What is the verdict against the actual murderer in the case where Charlie was originally accused?
(a) He is sentenced to die.
(b) There is no verdict.
(c) He is found guilty and jailed.
(d) Not guilty.

11. In the first week of August in 1806, where does Burr travel?
(a) To the west.
(b) To Virginia.
(c) To the Floridas.
(d) To Europe.

12. What is the name of the Supreme Court Justice put on trial for believing that there are limitations on legislative powers?
(a) Samuel Chase.
(b) John Marshall.
(c) James Wilkinson.
(d) Anthony Merry.

13. What does Mr. Bryant offer to do to keep Charlie from publishing the pamphlet?
(a) Help Charlie get published somewhere else.
(b) Help Charlie get a government position.
(c) Help Charlie get an editorship.
(d) Help Charlie raise money.

14. Who does Charlie ask to print an account of his false arrest?
(a) Richard Robinson.
(b) Leggett.
(c) Mr. Bryant.
(d) Swartwout.

15. What is phrenology?
(a) The study of the appearance of angels.
(b) The study of relationships.
(c) The study of political parties.
(d) The study of bumps on the skull.

Short Answer Questions

1. Swartwout introduces Charlie to a publisher who is willing to pay Charlie for his research; who does this publisher want to write the biography about Burr?

2. Aware of Charlie's work on the pamphlet against Burr, what does Mr. Bryant say to Charlie?

3. After being captured on February 19, 1807, where is Burr taken?

4. What order does Wilkinson receive from both Burr and Jefferson?

5. Who initially identified Charlie as the murderer?

(see the answer keys)

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