Burr Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burr Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 1835, Chapter Three - Four.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does General Washington wish to be called when he is elected president?
(a) His Mightiness.
(b) The King.
(c) The President.
(d) His Excellency.

2. Who challenges Burr on his position of support of the French people in their revolution?
(a) Hamilton.
(b) Monroe.
(c) Jefferson.
(d) Madison.

3. What position does Burr believe he will make a successful bid for (even though he is Vice President)?
(a) Governor of New York.
(b) Port Collector for New York.
(c) President.
(d) Chief Justice.

4. After Helen begins living with him, what complaint does Charlie tell Leggett about Helen?
(a) He complains that she is too controlling.
(b) He complains she refuses to do housework.
(c) He complains that she is not attracted to him.
(d) He complains that she is sleeping with other men.

5. What is Burr researching when he studies and copies papers from 5 to 10 in the morning?
(a) The Constitution.
(b) The political parties.
(c) Abolition.
(d) The Revolutionary War.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Mr. Bryant acting as standing editor for Leggett?

2. How does Helen convince Mrs. Townsend to let her live with Charlie?

3. How much money does Charlie tell Mr. Bryant that he has been offered for the pamphlet on Burr?

4. Which of the following individuals is not a part of Publius?

5. What does Publius support?

(see the answer key)

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