Burn This Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burn This Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Larry's instructions to Pale regarding the note?
(a) Throw it away.
(b) Burn this.
(c) Give it to Burton.
(d) Read it to Anna.

2. Anna asks _______to check and see if Pale is really leaving.
(a) Jimmy.
(b) Fred.
(c) Larry.
(d) Burton.

3. What did Larry give to Pale at the bar?
(a) A hat.
(b) A drink.
(c) A key.
(d) A packet of cigarettes.

4. Burton thinks that the characters in his script are having fun. However Anna thinks that deep down they are _________.
(a) Complicated.
(b) Serious.
(c) Depressed.
(d) Lonely.

5. Anna explains to Pale that he can't show up at her place drunk. He lunges at Burton who throws Pale _______.
(a) On the couch.
(b) Out the door.
(c) Into a wall.
(d) Into the street.

6. What does Pale get from Anna's room before he leaves?
(a) The rest of his clothes.
(b) His hat.
(c) His watch.
(d) His cigarettes.

7. Anna lets Pale know that Burton teaches _______ at the "Y."
(a) Aikido.
(b) Karate.
(c) Jiu-jitsu.
(d) Economics.

8. She tells Larry that she needs to go get some work done but what she actually needs is ________.
(a) To be away from her apartment.
(b) To find Pale.
(c) To be alone.
(d) To be with Burton.

9. Larry is caught off guard when Burton puts his drink down and asks Larry ________.
(a) To dance with him.
(b) To tell him if Anna is seeing Pale.
(c) To show him how the dance looks.
(d) To hit him.

10. Burton asks Anna what the difference is between a flute and a glass and she answers__________.
(a) One is an instrument.
(b) Flutes are for champagne.
(c) Flutes are smaller.
(d) 50 bucks.

11. She crossed the room without turning on the lights and _________ speaks form the shadows.
(a) Pale.
(b) Fred.
(c) Burton.
(d) Larry.

12. While Anna is undressing offstage Burton asks her if she _______.
(a) Wants to move into his place.
(b) Is putting on something more comfortable.
(c) Minds if he comes into the room.
(d) Is wearing her sexy black bra.

13. When Anna tells Larry where the flutes came from he declares_________.
(a) He really likes the flutes.
(b) That Anna has good taste.
(c) He loves champagne.
(d) He is going to sleep with both of them.

14. Anna notices that Larry is now smoking. She encourages him to ________.
(a) Leave.
(b) Stop smoking.
(c) Lighten up.
(d) Go out and meet someone.

15. What time is it when Anna comes home from the Play?
(a) 11:00 p.m.
(b) After midnight.
(c) 10:00 p.m.
(d) 9:00 p.m.

Short Answer Questions

1. Burton begins talking about ________and how he is trying to protect himself from feelings about Anna.

2. Who does Larry kiss and wish Happy New Year?

3. Anna calls Pale ________. When Burton attempts to call him the same thing, Pale insists that he be called Pale.

4. Pale tells Anna that he lost his ______before stretching out on the couch and passing out.

5. Burton considers the idea of moving in with her and even talks about ________.

(see the answer keys)

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