Burnt Sugar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Avni Doshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burnt Sugar Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Avni Doshi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the man Kali Mata meets who takes her to India?
(a) Govinda.
(b) Bodhi.
(c) Devendra.
(d) Ganesha.

2. What does Nani say she remembers when Antara tells her that the moon has not been this close to the earth since 1948, the year she was born?
(a) She had her daughter on a full moon.
(b) She remembers seeing the moon.
(c) She remembers that year.
(d) She has seen the moon closer since them.

3. Why does Antara wash her sheets everyday?
(a) Dilip wets the bed.
(b) She suffers night sweats.
(c) She is has OCD.
(d) Dilip suffers night sweats.

4. What is one way Dilip tries to solve the problem Antara has with her father?
(a) He invites her father over the house for dinner.
(b) He schedules weekly lunches for Antara and her father.
(c) He begins to call her father every week.
(d) He suggests they invite him to dinner at the Club.

5. In Chapter 10, who does Antara say she always consider ageless until they died unexpectedly at home?
(a) Nana.
(b) Her great-grandmother.
(c) Nani.
(d) Kali Mata.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Tara and her husband plan to move so he could pursue his masters degree?

2. How did Tara begin dressing as a teen, which her grandmother said was old-fashioned compared to her peers?

3. How does Antara describe the guru in Chapter 9?

4. What happens to Kali Mata's mother-in-law, Grandma June, at the age of 59?

5. Where does Antara say her mother's history can be found at the end of "1981"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the Club represent to Antara as explained in Chapter 5?

2. Why does Dilip decide to become a vegetarian in Chapter 8?

3. How does Antara's father react when she tell him of her mother's diagnosis?

4. What family story does Dilip tell when he announces to Antara that he wants to be a vegetarian and why does he tell this story?

5. In Chapter 1, how does the doctor describe what is happening to the narrator's mother's brain and memory?

6. What does Tara's doctor suggest Antara do in Chapter 11 after Antara shows the doctor her research notes?

7. How does Antara describe how the guru and his followers looked to her as a child in the ashram?

8. Why does Antara share a room with Kali Mata at the ashram?

9. During which conversation between the narrator and her husband is her name revealed for the first time?

10. How does the narrator feel about the pain her mother is experiencing at the start of Chapter 1 and why?

(see the answer keys)

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