Burnt Shadows Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Shamsie, Kamila
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Burnt Shadows Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Shamsie, Kamila
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 7, what trees line Civil Lines as Sajjad pedals to work?
(a) Nimboo.
(b) Amrood.
(c) Gulmohar.
(d) Amla.

2. When Sajjad's mother asked him to take on the financial side of the calligraphy business, how long did Sajjad agree to do so?
(a) 18 weeks.
(b) 2 months.
(c) 6 weeks.
(d) 4 months.

3. What is the only language Raza speaks that Hiroko did not teach him?
(a) Urdu.
(b) Pashto.
(c) English.
(d) German.

4. What have Sajjad and Lala Buksh starting do together in the mornings in Chapter 7?
(a) Having breakfast.
(b) Drink tea.
(c) Drink chai.
(d) Discussing the news.

5. What did Hiroko teach before she was dismissed from the school where she taught?
(a) English.
(b) Italian.
(c) German.
(d) French.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color are the notebooks that Konrad wrote in?

2. Which of Sajjad's brothers was killed in the Partition riots?

3. At the end of Chapter 12, when did Hiroko and Sajjad plan to return to Delhi?

4. When does "The Yet Unknowing World" take place?

5. How old was Hiroko when she became pregnant with Raza?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hiroto's back look like?

2. What is Kim Burton like in Chapter 17, and why is she in Islamabad?

3. What happens to Hiroko after the world goes white?

4. What is James's occupation and why is he not working in Chapter 4?

5. Why is Harry Burton in Pakistan?

6. What does Sajjad tell James about his lack of an apology when he sent him away?

7. How does Elizabeth describe Mussoorie?

8. How does Hiroko explain her relationship with Konrad to Elizabeth and James Burton?

9. How did Sajjad get his job with James Burton?

10. What plans does Sajjad share with Hiroko?

(see the answer keys)

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