Burnt Shadows Character Descriptions

Shamsie, Kamila
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Burnt Shadows Character Descriptions

Shamsie, Kamila
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Hiroko Tanaka, a.k.a. Hiroko Ashraf

This character is a survivor of the bombing of Nagasaki. She later marries a man from India and lives in Pakistan during their marriage.

Raza Konrad Ashraf, a.k.a. Raza Hazara

This character is the son of a Japanese woman and an Indian man. He is born and grows up in Pakistan.

Sajjad Ali Ashraf

This character is a native of Dilli, India. He marries a Japanese woman and they have a son.

Henry Burton, a.k.a. Harry Burton

This character is born and raised in India until he is sent to boarding school in England. He becomes an undercover CIA agent and later a military contractor.

Ilse Weiss, a.k.a. Elizabeth Burton

This character lives in India with her husband before the British leave the country. She divorces her husband and moves to New York.

James Burton


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