Burning for Revenge Test | Final Test - Medium

John Marsden (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burning for Revenge Test | Final Test - Medium

John Marsden (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does someone throw at Ellie as she was entering the house?
(a) A knife.
(b) A poker.
(c) A skillet.
(d) A saw.

2. Who does Fi say is her secret love?
(a) Kevin.
(b) Andrew.
(c) Homer.
(d) Lee.

3. What is the building Ellie says she believes the kids are living in when she sees them a few days after catching the trout?
(a) A preschool.
(b) A library.
(c) A diner.
(d) A milk bar.

4. What is the vegetable Fi and Kevin find in the garden that Ellie and the others begin eating raw?
(a) Onions.
(b) Broccoli.
(c) Beans.
(d) Corn.

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons the group thinks they should contact the colonel?
(a) They need to give help getting back to Hell.
(b) They want to hear a friendly voice.
(c) They want to be praised for destroying the planes.
(d) The New Zealanders should know the enemy planes are destroyed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ellie say about the rules in this war zone where they're living?

2. What does Ellie tell Lee was her purpose for following him?

3. What does Ellie say about the third time she rams the wall of the barn with the tractor?

4. Who does Lee say he'd first thought Ellie was when he saw her in the burning barn?

5. What is interesting about the dog named Cob that belonged to Ellie's grandmother?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Ellie want to make radio contact with Colonel Finley and what is her reaction after the call?

2. What do Ellie and the others discover when they get to the Winchester Heights neighborhood? What does she say is the "good news" and what is the "bad news?"

3. How does Lee say he met Reni?

4. What does Ellie remember about Robyn's attitude regarding talking about yourself?

5. What does Ellie say about the reason she believes they need to help the kids, and why do you believe this is important to her?

6. What does Ellie say has changed about how she and Fi act as compared to how they were before the war?

7. Describe the trip to the trout farm.

8. What does Ellie say about the damage from the war and what does it make her realize about herself?

9. What does Ellie do around her Grandma's house with her Grandma's possessions?

10. Briefly describe what happens when Ellie, Fi, and Homer are mugged.

(see the answer keys)

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