Burning for Revenge Test | Final Test - Easy

John Marsden (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burning for Revenge Test | Final Test - Easy

John Marsden (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the password Lee uses to contact Colonel Finley?
(a) Angel patrol.
(b) Mulish.
(c) Roger Rabbit.
(d) Lomu.

2. Where are they the night Homer again tries to contact Colonel Finley?
(a) About three miles from Hell.
(b) About three miles from Wirrawee.
(c) About three miles from Stratton.
(d) About three miles from the airport.

3. When are the teens supposed to contact Finley again?
(a) In an hour.
(b) The same time the next night.
(c) At sunrise the next morning.
(d) The next time they are able to attack.

4. What is Homer's suggestion for Ellie to find out what Lee's doing when he's away from the house?
(a) Follow Lee.
(b) Ask Fi.
(c) Check for notes in his journal.
(d) Ask Lee.

5. What is the name of the neighborhood where Ellie's grandmother lived?
(a) Moon Beam.
(b) Crescent Moon.
(c) Doncaster Crescent.
(d) Beam Doncaster.

6. What is the argument over the night after the group catches trout?
(a) How to cook them.
(b) How to clean them.
(c) Where to cook them.
(d) How many to take back.

7. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons the group thinks they should contact the colonel?
(a) They want to be praised for destroying the planes.
(b) The New Zealanders should know the enemy planes are destroyed.
(c) They want to hear a friendly voice.
(d) They need to give help getting back to Hell.

8. Why does Ellie say she was pleased to find sheep in a nearby field in chapter twenty?
(a) There will be water in the pasture. Her heart.
(b) They can help hide Ellie's escape.
(c) They will provide food.
(d) There will be a barn nearby where they can hide.

9. Which of the following was not among the weapons the kids had when they attacked Ellie, Fi, and Homer?
(a) Guns.
(b) A baseball bat.
(c) Knives.
(d) A bow and arrow.

10. What does Lee do that brings a halt to his conversation with Ellie about where he's been going and what he's doing?
(a) He turns over, obviously going to sleep.
(b) He goes to help Kevin in the garden.
(c) He goes into the bathroom and closes the door.
(d) He picks up his book and begins to read.

11. How does Ellie alert Homer when she finds their possessions on the ground?
(a) Radios.
(b) Waves.
(c) Calls out.
(d) Whistles.

12. Who does Fi say is her secret love?
(a) Lee.
(b) Andrew.
(c) Homer.
(d) Kevin.

13. What does Ellie use to pry open the back door of her Grandma's house?
(a) A trowel.
(b) A hammer.
(c) A pipe.
(d) A screwdriver.

14. What are the tasks Ellie sets out to accomplish that she says takes the most time and energy?
(a) Watching out for attackers and hiding.
(b) Sweeping, dusting, and tidying.
(c) Cooking and washing clothes.
(d) Gardening and painting.

15. How many days does Ellie say they spend in Stratton?
(a) Forty-one.
(b) Twelve.
(c) Twenty-three.
(d) Seven.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lee do when he meets the girl outside the barn?

2. What does the woman who answers their radio communication say about Colonel Finley?

3. Who picks up their items as Ellie and her group returns to the street where the kids dropped them?

4. Why does Ellie run into the burning barn?

5. Who does Lee say he'd first thought Ellie was when he saw her in the burning barn?

(see the answer keys)

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