Burning for Revenge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Marsden (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burning for Revenge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Marsden (writer)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ellie imagine is crawling on her scalp when she's under the piles of felt in the back of the truck?
(a) Lizards.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Scorpions.
(d) Lice.

2. How does Ellie get a gun once she's in the back of the truck?
(a) Lee hands her one.
(b) There's an extra in the back of the truck.
(c) Fi hands it to her.
(d) She unstraps it from her back.

3. What happens to distract the officers so that Ellie has time to close the door to the barracks?
(a) A jet flies over.
(b) A group of soldiers return from their run.
(c) A higher-ranking officer passes by.
(d) Shots are fired nearby.

4. What does Ellie tell Fi to do as she, Lee, and Homer head out of the hangar?
(a) Look for food.
(b) Distract the men in the tower.
(c) Look for weapons.
(d) Stay.

5. What does Ellie say was wrong with their water system on the farm the time they'd faced a wild fire?
(a) Wasps has built a nest in the housing.
(b) A snake died in the pipe.
(c) The electricity went off.
(d) A mouse chewed the electric cord in half.

6. Which of the following does Ellie NOT mention as having been dumped at the tip?
(a) Exploded bottles.
(b) A car.
(c) A computer.
(d) Piles of books.

7. Why does Fi say hiding in the truck is not an option for getting out of the hangar?
(a) There isn't enough air in the truck and they'll suffocate.
(b) The truck might not leave for weeks.
(c) The driver will surely check the back before he leaves.
(d) They can't be sure where the truck will go next.

8. Why does Ellie say both she and Fi are trying not to yell at Homer?
(a) He couldn't hear them anyway.
(b) He gets angry when people yell.
(c) They don't want to hurt his feelings.
(d) He needs his attention on driving.

9. How many are in the group of teenagers now living in Hell?
(a) Eight.
(b) Six.
(c) Seven.
(d) Five.

10. Which of the following is NOT among the items Ellie takes from the dormitory?
(a) Bread
(b) Avocado
(c) Rock-melon
(d) Cheese

11. Who was Darryl?
(a) The man who dug out the Aga Ellie's father had dumped.
(b) The man who ran the dump before the war.
(c) The man who always traded junk with Ellie's dad.
(d) Ellie's uncle.

12. What does Lee say the soldiers are doing?
(a) Eating.
(b) Relaxing, playing cards, and watching television.
(c) Returning from a hike.
(d) Marching around.

13. What happens to end Ellie's daydreams about life on the ranch before the war?
(a) A helicopter flies over.
(b) The truck slows down.
(c) The driver begins to shout.
(d) Fi throws up.

14. Why does Ellie usually hate the idea of having a map?
(a) She worries something will be wrong, creating a problem.
(b) She prefers to see the image in her mind.
(c) She doesn't understand maps.
(d) She read a story about a spy who was executed because of a map.

15. What does Kevin find in the little storage room?
(a) Spare uniforms and personal supplies such as combs.
(b) Shovels and hoes.
(c) A toilet and cleaning supplies.
(d) Airplane fuel and tools.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ellie say are the two problems after the truck rams the jeep, killing the occupants?

2. What is it that Jem stops Scout from killing in the book, "To Kill a Mockingbird?"

3. What does Ellie say is wrong with Lee's plan to release the tailgate?

4. What does Fi cry out after she fires at the tanker the first time?

5. What does Ellie say they'd tried to do this airport already?

(see the answer keys)

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