Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why do the Burmese riot outside the Club?
2. Flory and Elizabeth's journey through the jungle is described as ______________________.
3. Why do the members of the Club suddenly allow the butler into their conversation?
4. Why does Elizabeth seem more approachable to Flory that evening?
5. What is the description of the mood of Chapter 17?
Short Essay Questions
1. What is Mrs. Lackersteen's plan for Elizabeth?
2. Why might Elizabeth enjoy holding the gun?
3. What do Elizabeth's comments about the Burmese reveal about her?
4. What is U Po Kyin's version of the love triangle between Flory, Elizabeth and Verrall?
5. What causes the change in Flory's mood after he visits Dr. Veraswami?
6. What happens for Flory as a result of his role in the riot?
7. Who or what does Verrall despise?
8. What is the result of Ellis' confrontation with the local boys?
9. Why does Flory's birthmark discourage him from kissing Elizabeth?
10. Why is Flory intimidated by Verrall?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss how any character deals with the concepts of shame or disappointment in the novel. In your essay, choose at least three examples of the character's behavior and support your argument using these.
Essay Topic 2
If, as Roseanne Cash states, "The key to change... is to let go of fear," consider the potential for change among the characters or institutions in the novel. Write an essay in which you argue for or against the potential for change in any character or institution, considering Cash's statement.
Essay Topic 3
Tolstoy suggests the role of the artist is to communicate emotion clearly and sincerely. Write an essay in which you consider Burmese Days as a work of art, holding it up to Tolstoy's standard.
This section contains 758 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |