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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why does Verrall enter the Burma Military Police?
(a) He is running from the law in England.
(b) He has enormous debts to pay.
(c) He has no other training or prospects.
(d) He needs to escape from a woman.
2. Whose arrival alarms Mrs. Lackersteen and Elizabeth?
(a) Verrall's replacement
(b) Flory's replacement
(c) Verrall's debt collectors
(d) Verrall's wife
3. Flory and Elizabeth have an intimate moment _____________________________.
(a) right after she misses her first shot.
(b) right after she kills a jungle cock.
(c) right before Flory kills the tiger.
(d) right after they leave the headman's house.
4. What accounts for the change in Mrs. Lackersteen's behavior?
(a) Her fear of Lackersteen's infidelity
(b) Her distaste for Burmese culture
(c) Her drinking problem
(d) Her social aspirations
5. When Lackersteen invites Verrall to the Club, __________________________.
(a) Verrall comes to the Club at once.
(b) Verrall ignores the invitation.
(c) Verrall comes to the Club with a native friend.
(d) Verrall declines the invitation.
6. Flory is convinced he is ______________________.
(a) in love with Ma Hla May.
(b) destined to remain a bachelor.
(c) in love with Elizabeth.
(d) in love with Mrs. Lackersteen.
7. Why do the members of the Club suddenly allow the butler into their conversation?
(a) He is a respectable member of Burmese society.
(b) They are afraid of his size and demeanor.
(c) He insists on being the center of attention.
(d) He has had many experiences with earthquakes, and they are interested in his stories.
8. Why does Ko S'la tell Flory he should not attempt to play polo?
(a) He is too old.
(b) He is not a good rider.
(c) He will look foolish in front of Elizabeth.
(d) He does not know the rules of the game.
9. As Elizabeth and Verrall dance outside, the moon is described as _________________________.
(a) a silver orb.
(b) an envious goddess.
(c) a Japanese lantern.
(d) a sick woman creeping out of bed.
10. Why does Elizabeth seem more approachable to Flory that evening?
(a) She starts to embrace Burmese culture.
(b) She wears her hair down.
(c) She is not wearing spectacles.
(d) She is less inhibited when she is drunk.
11. Who commits the murder?
(a) U Po Kyin commits the murder as revenge.
(b) The relatives of Ma Hla May commit the murder.
(c) Maxwell commits the murder.
(d) The relatives of the man Maxwell shot commit the murder.
12. Flory visits Veraswami in order to _______________________________.
(a) apologize for neglecting to introduce him to Elizabeth.
(b) inform him they are no longer friends.
(c) apologize for signing the notice against him.
(d) accuse him of the crimes mentioned in U Po Kyin's letters.
13. Why do Mrs. Lackersteen and Elizabeth rush to the train station?
(a) They have heard that Lackersteen is returning from camp.
(b) They have heard that Verrall is leaving without saying goodbye.
(c) They have heard that the trains are not running in the rain.
(d) They have heard that Verrall is arriving from Mandalay.
14. What is the description of the mood of Chapter 17?
(a) Tense
(b) Joyous
(c) Frightening
(d) Tender
15. Although Verrall often offends people, ____________________________.
(a) he is not to blame for his ignorance of polite social behavior.
(b) he often apologizes afterward.
(c) he never suffers serious consequences.
(d) he always regrets his behavior.
Short Answer Questions
1. When Lackersteen returns from camp he _________________________.
2. What do the locals carry ashore at the end of Chapter twenty-one?
3. Verrall's face is described as _____________________.
4. Verrall's attitude toward women suggests __________________________.
5. How does Orwell describe the leopard?
This section contains 606 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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