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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What causes Elizabeth to leave Flory's house?
(a) She notices Flory's birthmark and is repulsed by it.
(b) She and Flory find the servants watching them talk.
(c) She realizes her uncle does not like Flory.
(d) She realizes Flory is sympathetic to the natives.
2. Ko S'la disapproves of Ma Hla May because _____________________________.
(a) He does not approve of a man keeping a mistress.
(b) He is insulted by her behavior toward him.
(c) He is jealous of Flory's success with women.
(d) He is jealous of her influence over Flory.
3. U Po Kyin's meal is described as ______________________.
(a) swift, passionate and enormous.
(b) short, light and fresh.
(c) sparse, lonely and bland.
(d) joyous, lengthy and celebratory.
4. What does Flory realize when he is forced to return to Burma?
(a) He could not function without his servants.
(b) He will not see his Father again before he dies.
(c) He is now more at home in Burma than in England.
(d) He hates Burma.
5. How does MacGregor start his day?
(a) He investigates any leftover business from the day before.
(b) He forces the other men to do calisthenics.
(c) He does exercises at home then takes a brisk walk.
(d) He drinks gin while sitting in the tub.
6. What excuse does Flory make to Elizabeth for Ma Hla May's presence?
(a) He says Ma Hla May is Ko S'la's wife.
(b) He says Ma Hla May is the laundress.
(c) He says Ma Hla May is the jealous type.
(d) He says Ma Hla May is a boy.
7. Ma Hla May is allowed to _____________________________.
(a) borrow Flory's money without asking.
(b) come in for tea but not for other meals.
(c) join Flory for all his meals.
(d) wear her sandals in the house.
8. Ellis warns Flory that ________________________________.
(a) U Po Kyin is out to get him.
(b) Elizabeth is not impressed by Burma or the natives.
(c) Veraswami may be in some kind of trouble.
(d) Elizabeth has come to Burma to find a husband.
9. What words does Flory use to describe himself?
(a) Local pariah
(b) Misunderstood genius
(c) Lord of all he surveys
(d) Spineless cur
10. Why is Flory ashamed of himself?
(a) He signs a slanderous notice against Veraswami.
(b) He throws Ma Hla May out of the house.
(c) He stays home instead of joining the others at the club.
(d) He shoots the dog in cold blood.
11. How does Westfield feel about pursuing petty criminals?
(a) He refuses to pursue anyone who is not a serious criminal.
(b) He detests it but his racism causes him to feel they are all guilty.
(c) He feels superior to the criminals and revels in his duty.
(d) He loathes it but does not resist the duty.
12. Who does Flory feel is the entity to blame for his dishonor and futility?
(a) Veraswami
(b) The English
(c) The Burmese Natives
(d) Himself
13. What is U Po Kyin unable to do without help?
(a) Prepare his own food
(b) Acquire merit
(c) Decide court cases
(d) Rise from a chair
14. What aspect of the setting is repeatedly mentioned in Chapter 2?
(a) The oppressive heat
(b) The wind and cold
(c) The muddy roads
(d) The monsoon season
15. The village girl that visits that morning claims ____________________________.
(a) that she has a newspaper article U Po Kyin will want to see.
(b) that she is U Po Kyin's daughter.
(c) that U Po Kyin is the father of her child.
(d) that she does not have enough bribe money.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why is Flory not allowed to return to England?
2. How does Elizabeth appear to feel about the atmosphere of the Club?
3. Flory's attitude toward his mistress is ____________________________.
4. Ba Taik is ___________
5. Flory does not want to shave because _____________________________.
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