Buried Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Buried Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has a security blanket?
(a) Halie.
(b) Tilden.
(c) Dodge.
(d) Bradley.

2. Who brings vegetables in from the garden?
(a) Halie.
(b) Dodge.
(c) Tilden.
(d) Bradley.

3. How long has it been since the garden has been worked, according to Dodge?
(a) Thirty years
(b) Tilden's return
(c) Bradley's return
(d) Since the death of Ansel

4. One of the characters appears to be an upright and righteous member of the church, who is that character?
(a) Bradley.
(b) Father Drewis.
(c) Halie.
(d) Tilden.

5. Where did Halie spend most of her time?
(a) Visiting Ansel.
(b) With Father Dewis.
(c) Upstairs off stage.
(d) In the backyard.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who owned this farm?

2. There are vague hints about a dark secret hidden in what area of the farm?

3. What event resulted because of the disintegration of this family structure?

4. What happened to Ansel?

5. What is in Illinois?

Short Essay Questions

1. What proves that Halie is far from a care taking wife?

2. What might be Bradley's reasons for being so mean?

3. Describe Tilden at the start of Act 1.

4. Why do you think Tilden acts the way he does?

5. Describe Halie's character in the first act.

6. What is Halie's way of showing her apparent concern for Dodge?

7. Why does Halie resent the Catholics?

8. What is Halie's frustration over the two brothers, Tilden and Bradley?

9. How are Dodge and Halie presented in the first act?

10. What explanation does Halie for spending time with Father Dewis?

(see the answer keys)

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