Burger's Daughter Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burger's Daughter Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many times do Rosa and Bernard meet before he discovers who she is in relation to Lionel?
(a) Once.
(b) Twice.
(c) Four times.
(d) Three times.

2. What is Bassie so angry about in regards to the Burger family?
(a) He believes that they wanted to send him away.
(b) He believes that they killed his father.
(c) He believes that they lied to him.
(d) He believes that they used him and abandoned him.

3. Where does Brandt Vermeulen's closest friendship lie?
(a) Ministry of Defense.
(b) Nationlists Party.
(c) Ministery of Interior.
(d) Communist Party.

4. Brandt wants assurance that Rosa will not visit whom when she travels?
(a) The Swede.
(b) Her half-brother.
(c) Conrad.
(d) Marisa.

5. What occurs on June 16, 1976 in South Africa?
(a) Students are massacred.
(b) A hospital in Johannesburg is bombed.
(c) Soweto students uprise and rebel.
(d) Soweto students shoot policemen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Donna obliged to entertain one evening?

2. What is the first item that Madame Bagnelli stops to purchase after she and Rosa leave the airport?

3. What city does Rosa visit where her father's ex-wife lives?

4. Where does Rosa meet Bernard?

5. What does Bassie's given name (Zwelinzima) mean?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bernard say that the trip to Corsica is all about and what does it actually turn out to be?

2. How is finding Bassie the complete opposite of what Rosa would have imagined?

3. Why might Rosa have chosen a married man as her lover and not the bricklayer she had met?

4. Who is Bernard Chabalier?

5. Where does Rosa's passbook allow her to go, and not go? Why is she allowed in certain places and not others?

6. What is Greer's trial all about, and what is its outcome for Greer?

7. What does Katya share with Rosa about her past in the beginning of Pages 262-290?

8. Though Didier seems to be no more than a young gold digger, he does have some strong advice for Rosa. What does he tell her on the beach after their swim, and why does he believe what he says?

9. Who comes to dine on asparagus with Rosa and Katya and what advice do they give Rosa?

10. Who in Rosa's family is arrested and why?

(see the answer keys)

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