Burger's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burger's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Rosa feel about Conrad when she moves from the cottage?
(a) She feels like he is her brother.
(b) She is apathetic.
(c) She is very angry with him.
(d) She cries for days.

2. How long does Lionel Burger speak when he gets his chance in court?
(a) Thirty eight minutes.
(b) Two hours fifteen minutes.
(c) One hour and ten minutes.
(d) One hour and forty seven minutes.

3. What is Cathy's fight for the blacks?
(a) To get them better employment.
(b) To get them in the trade union.
(c) To get them the right to vote.
(d) To get them to have the right to bear arms.

4. At age fourteen, what does Lionel come to realize about the blacks and whites?
(a) The blacks have to carry passports and the whites do not.
(b) The blacks are not allowed in the trade unions.
(c) The blacks are only allowed in certain establishments.
(d) The blacks are all poor.

5. What is Greer's concern for Marisa after she arrives at Fats'?
(a) That she had not eaten.
(b) That she has been in the city too long.
(c) That she was seen talking to Rosa in the shop.
(d) That she has been followed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who pulls Tony out of the pool?

2. What does the baby boy give to Rosa from the grandmother at Fats' home?

3. What happens to the man in the park who was sitting on the bench across from Rosa?

4. Why does Rosa move out of the cottage?

5. What is Rosa's profession when she grows up?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is the old-maid school teacher and what does she do to the Burgers?

2. What recollections does Rosa have and why is she thinking about the past in after her visit to the Terblanche's home?

3. How does Rosa view Clare?

4. What cloak and dagger stuff has Rosa been involved in in the past, and what were the results?

5. What is life like at the Nel's hotel for Rosa?

6. What occupation is Lionel Burger's and how does his social standing affect his views?

7. What does Rosa recollect after the death of the man in the public square concerning her parents, Tony and Conrad?

8. What happens in the city on the anniversary of Lionel's death and how does Rosa react to it and why?

9. What is the argument that the men have at Fats' home concerning black athletes?

10. What does Clare want Rosa to do and how does Rosa react to the request?

(see the answer keys)

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