Burger's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Burger's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Lily's baby boy?
(a) Noel.
(b) Lionel.
(c) Conrad.
(d) Tony.

2. Who pulls Tony out of the pool?
(a) Cathy.
(b) Lily.
(c) Conrad.
(d) Lionel.

3. Where do the black men sit in the public square?
(a) On the fountain.
(b) Anywhere.
(c) On benches marked for them.
(d) On the grass.

4. What is Colette Swan studying when Lionel marries her?
(a) Politics.
(b) Medicine.
(c) Ballet.
(d) Journalism.

5. What is Greer's concern for Marisa after she arrives at Fats'?
(a) That she was seen talking to Rosa in the shop.
(b) That she had not eaten.
(c) That she has been followed.
(d) That she has been in the city too long.

6. Why do Rosa and Tony stay at her Aunt Velma's hotel when they are young?
(a) Their parents are away on business.
(b) She and Tony go for a visit.
(c) Their parents are in jail.
(d) Their parents are too busy to care for them.

7. What did Noel de Witt want to become for his career?
(a) A prison warden.
(b) A farmer.
(c) A doctor.
(d) A politician.

8. Who is Bassie?
(a) Lily's brother.
(b) The Burger's dog.
(c) The black boy who lived with the Burgers.
(d) A worker at the hotel.

9. What does Rosa know happened at the Providence House that Marisa was unaware of until later?
(a) A killing.
(b) High school children were sent from their classrooms.
(c) The raid.
(d) Shops are shut down.

10. What two items does Rosa bring with her to the fortress in the opening pages of the novel?
(a) Food and clothes.
(b) A quilt and a water bottle.
(c) A book and a dress.
(d) A quilt and food.

11. How does Rosa's brother die?
(a) On the run.
(b) Of a terminal disease.
(c) In prison.
(d) He drowns.

12. What does Daniel tell Rosa about one of his boys?
(a) He will go work in her garden at home.
(b) He is smart and will go to school to be a doctor.
(c) He will come to work at the hotel.
(d) He will come to marry Rosa.

13. What do the Nel relatives own, besides the hotel?
(a) A ranch.
(b) A restaurant.
(c) A farm.
(d) A cafe.

14. Whose car does Conrad drive?
(a) Lionel Burger's.
(b) His own.
(c) Rosa's.
(d) Cathy Burger's.

15. What is mealie?
(a) Vegetable.
(b) Grain.
(c) Fruit.
(d) Alcohol.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the schoolmaster say about what blacks want in the discussion at Fats' home?

2. What question does Rosa ask of Clare when they are looking at the empty apartment?

3. What does the baby boy give to Rosa from the grandmother at Fats' home?

4. What is shouted in the courtroom after Lionel Burger speaks?

5. Where does Rosa meet Marisa?

(see the answer keys)

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