Bud, Not Buddy Test | Final Test - Easy

Christopher Paul Curtis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bud, Not Buddy Test | Final Test - Easy

Christopher Paul Curtis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes it difficult for Bud to talk with Mr. Calloway?
(a) Bud's nerves.
(b) Calloway's ill temperament.
(c) The other band members interrupting.
(d) Calloway's rocks.

2. Who is Miss Thomas?
(a) Waitress at the restaurant.
(b) Lead guitarist of the band.
(c) Bud's mother's maiden name.
(d) Assumed girlfriend of Mr. Calloway.

3. What does Bud find himself daydreaming about in this chapter?
(a) Where he will live when the band travels.
(b) What would happen if Miss Thomas adopted him.
(c) Staying with the band permanently.
(d) What his mother would think.

4. What does Mr. Calloway think Bud is?
(a) A spy.
(b) An orphan.
(c) A thief.
(d) A liar.

5. How does Lefty refer to Bud?
(a) Buddy the man.
(b) His grandkid.
(c) Suitcase boy.
(d) His peanut head friend.

6. What does Bud fall asleep to the sound of in this chapter?
(a) Crying of someone in the other room.
(b) Arguing between Miss Thomas and Mr. Calloway.
(c) Sounds from the restaurant below.
(d) Music rehearsal from the band.

7. How does Bud feel about the gift that Eddie offers him?
(a) He is offended.
(b) He doesn't know what to think about it.
(c) He is tickled.
(d) He is surprised.

8. Which of the following band members does not seem to have much of a sense of humor?
(a) Chug.
(b) Jimmy.
(c) Doug.
(d) Herman.

9. What does Bud feel that he has to continue to work on in this chapter?
(a) Convincing Miss Thomas to let him stay.
(b) His manners to impress the band members.
(c) His music skills so he can join the band.
(d) Gaining Mr. Calloway's trust.

10. What does the man who stops for Bud tell him he needs?
(a) Someone who can read to him.
(b) Help with a problem.
(c) Company on a long walk.
(d) Food and water.

11. Which instrument is Bud given tips on how to play by one of the band members?
(a) Trombone.
(b) Guitar.
(c) Saxophone.
(d) Piano.

12. Which of the following characters is Bud's dad?
(a) Peanut Head.
(b) Lefty Lewis.
(c) Scott.
(d) Mr. Calloway.

13. What does Bud think the strange man may be?
(a) Witch.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Vampire.
(d) Murderer.

14. What book does Bud imagine himself a part of?
(a) The Secret Garden.
(b) Moby Dick.
(c) 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
(d) Journey to the Center of the Earth.

15. What time of day is Bud out walking when the man stops and whistles for him?
(a) 12:00 P.M.
(b) 9:00 P.M.
(c) 2:30 A.M.
(d) 8:00 A.M.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Kim and Scott start doing immediately when Bud wakes up and they are introduced?

2. Why is Bud worried about riding back from the music gig?

3. Which of the following best describes how the band members feel when they realize Bud believes Mr. Calloway is his father?

4. How does Bud feel about accepting a ride from the stranger?

5. What does the policeman discuss before letting them go on to Grand Rapids?

(see the answer keys)

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