Brown Girl, Brownstones Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brown Girl, Brownstones Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Clive say about mothers?
(a) That they are stupid.
(b) That they have no patience for art.
(c) That they are crazy.
(d) That they never want to cut the umbilical cord.

2. How does Clive respond to Selina's plan to change his life?
(a) He proposes to her.
(b) He breaks up with her.
(c) He is not interested.
(d) He gives up painting.

3. What does Selina realize when she sees the manner in which Mrs. Benton treats her daughter?
(a) That White mothers and daughters love each other more.
(b) That she will never accept Whites.
(c) That she can fit into White society.
(d) That even White mothers and daughters can have bad relationships.

4. What major announcement does Ina make toward the end of the book?
(a) That she is getting married.
(b) That she is pregnant.
(c) That she is moving out.
(d) That she is getting a new job.

5. What does Suggie do after Miss Mary dies?
(a) She tells Selina that they should be happy while they can be.
(b) She gets married.
(c) She moves out.
(d) She gets a new job.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Selina go with Ina while her parents are arguing about Deighton's involvement with Father Peace?

2. How dowa Selina plan to change things for Clive?

3. How does Selina display her grief for her father?

4. Which of the following reasons does Selina accept as the basis for Silla's eviction of Suggie?

5. What other momentous event happens on the same day that Selina learns about her father's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Book 4, Chapters 1-3, Silla finally achieves her dream of owning the house that she and Selina live in. What makes it apparent that it has not made her happy?

2. As Selina gains more life experience with other mothers such as Clive's and Mrs. Benton, what does she realize?

3. What does Clive's relationship with his mother teach Selina about her own relationship with her mother?

4. Why does Selina call her mother "Hitler"?

5. Why is Silla upset with Deighton's adoration of Father Peace?

6. Does Selina's experience with the Modern Dance Club reinforce Clive's belief that the White people who belong to it are racists?

7. Why does Miss Thompson tell Selina the story of how her foot became ulcerated?

8. What kind of symbolism is embedded in Selina's new job?

9. Why does Selina decline the Association scholarship?

10. How does Selina's manner of dress following her father's death reflect her inner emotional state?

(see the answer keys)

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