Brown Girl, Brownstones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brown Girl, Brownstones Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book 3, how does Silla carry out her plan to get money for a house?
(a) She forges her husband's signature and writes to his sister.
(b) She kills her husband and inherits the land.
(c) She forces her husband to sell the land.
(d) She divorces her husband and marries another man.

2. How does Selina feel when she realizes that her mother has not told her about the facts of life?
(a) Betrayed.
(b) Relieved.
(c) Scared.
(d) Angry.

3. Who is not in the Boyce family photograph?
(a) Selina.
(b) Silla.
(c) The son.
(d) Ina.

4. With whom does Selina dance at the wedding?
(a) Deighton.
(b) Ina.
(c) An old man.
(d) Beryl.

5. What is Selina's sister's name?
(a) Virgie.
(b) Maritze.
(c) Ina.
(d) Mary.

6. How much does the Boyce family get from the sale of their land?
(a) $900,000.
(b) $900.
(c) $90,000.
(d) $9,000.

7. Why did parents avoid teaching their daughters about sex in the early part of the 20th Century?
(a) Because they knew that girls would never get married if they did not have knowledge about sex.
(b) Because they thought that the girls would not have sex if they did not know about it.
(c) Because they wanted to scare the girls.
(d) Because they thought that girls were evil.

8. In what part of New York does the Boyce family live?
(a) The Bronx.
(b) Brooklyn.
(c) Little Italy.
(d) Queens.

9. What does Selina do to Ina when Ina states that she will tell their father how bad he is?
(a) Selina tries to strangle Ina.
(b) Selina beat ups Ina.
(c) Selina pushes Ina into a door.
(d) Selina pulls Ina's hair.

10. What does Deighton do after the incident at the mattress factory?
(a) He sits around and reads a newspaper.
(b) He becomes an alcoholic.
(c) He goes to physical therapy.
(d) He decides to reform and become a better husband.

11. Where do people in the story go for fun on a Saturday night?
(a) Greenwich Village.
(b) Fulton Street.
(c) Staten Island.
(d) Central Park.

12. Which of the following is the year in which the opening of the book is set?
(a) 1929.
(b) 1939.
(c) 1919.
(d) 1949.

13. In Book 3, what is Silla's reaction after hearing her father reminisce about courting her mother?
(a) She has a hard time believing that her mother had ever been young and dancing.
(b) She thinks that her father is crazy.
(c) She wonders whether her father is making up the stories that he is telling.
(d) She wonders whether she will ever find a husband.

14. How does Maritze react to Suggie's lovers staying over?
(a) She wants to move away.
(b) She bangs on the wall between their apartments.
(c) She screams.
(d) She tries to kill them.

15. How does Miss Thompson like to spend her money?
(a) Buying presents for her grandchildren.
(b) Buying chocolates for herself.
(c) Buying presents for her roommates' children.
(d) Buying clothes for her sister.

Short Answer Questions

1. During the argument between Selina and Beryl in Book 2, what does Selina believe that she will never do?

2. In Book 2, Pastorale, what does Selina ask to do with her best friend?

3. Why does Selina think that babies are born by cutting the mother's stomach open?

4. What is the relationship between Suggie and Selina?

5. In Book 3, what are the names of Silla's two friends who visit her to talk about church?

(see the answer keys)

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