Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What highway transects the mountainous part of Montana west of the Continental Divide?
2. Before the smallpox era, how many did the Q'lipse and Selis number?
3. According to ACE data, what percent of people taking an adverse childhood experiences quiz would report no adverse childhood experiences?
4. For the Spokane Hoopfest in the summer of 2017, how many blocks were the courts spread over?
5. How old was Big Willie when his father died in a car accident?
Short Essay Questions
1. In Chapter 8, what was Will's summer job?
2. In 2017, who was the head coach of the Grizzlies?
3. What were seventeens during basketball practice, and why were trash cans required?
4. How did Will's parents meet and what were Will's early years like?
5. How does Phil play the AAU?
6. How did Big Will find his career?
7. When did Greg Whitesell suffer a concussion and how did it affect him?
8. In Chapter 3, where do the first tournament games take place?
9. How is Will described in the Prologue?
10. In Chapter 10, what did Zanen have to say to the guys on his basketball team?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Streep uses pacing to create tension in Chapter 20. How does Streep use pacing to create tension in that chapter and other sections of Brothers on Three?
Essay Topic 2
Zanen and the school board often were at odds. Why were Zanen and the board often at odds? Why might the crab-bucket effect have been a factor in the tension between them?
Essay Topic 3
Streep struggled to be culturally sensitive when telling the story in Brothers on Three. Why did Streep struggle to be culturally sensitive when telling the Warriors’ story? Why was it important to tell the story in a culturally sensitive manner?
This section contains 823 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |