Brother, Sister, Mother, Explorer Test | Final Test - Medium

Jamie Figueroa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brother, Sister, Mother, Explorer Test | Final Test - Medium

Jamie Figueroa
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To calm down her anxiety on Saturday morning, what does Rufina do?
(a) Meditates.
(b) Focus on happy childhood memories when the Explorer was a part of their family.
(c) Calls her therapist.
(d) Practices yoga.

2. Rufina says that she may pretend her baby is alive, but the angel does what?
(a) Pretends to be human.
(b) Pretends to be a woman.
(c) Pretends to love her.
(d) Pretends to care about humanity.

3. What is the angel's response when Rufina asks what the angel has planned for her brother?
(a) It is out of her control.
(b) She has nothing planned.
(c) It is good to practice saying goodbye.
(d) She is silent.

4. Why does the young thief shy away and act afraid of Rafa?
(a) Rafa is large and formidable.
(b) He is embarrassed by his behavior.
(c) He feels sorry for Rafa.
(d) He is not a criminal, and his behavior was out of character.

5. Who provided Rosalinda with the house?
(a) The Grandmothers to All lent it to her.
(b) The Explorer.
(c) The Original Enduring Ones.
(d) The town.

Short Answer Questions

1. As the Explorer noted everything that was missing and lacking in the home, Rosalinda did what?

2. In "Saturday," Chapter Ten, what does Rufina do when she realizes that neither her mother nor Baby are there?

3. Why does Rafa decide to see how accurately he can read shadows?

4. When did the Explorer first start drinking?

5. Why does Rafa suddenly begin shouting from the back seat of the squad car?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "Saturday," Chapter Four, the husband and wife tourists have returned. About what do they argue?

2. Why does anxiety soon set in for Rufina on Saturday morning?

3. In "Saturday," Chapter Two, on what do the siblings focus while they are performing in the town square?

4. What are the signs that Rufina is struggling to perform for the crowd? Why is she struggling?

5. What does Rufina accuse the angel of pretending to be? How does the reader know she is correct?

6. What is the ride home like for the siblings in Lucio Armijo’s squad car?

7. How does the Kid Thief act when spotted by Rafa and caught by Officer Armijo?

8. What did the Explorer do with Rosalinda and her children?

9. Why does Rufina wake up in a sweat on Saturday morning in Chapter One?

10. What happens to the money and crystal in the siblings’ basket on Saturday?

(see the answer keys)

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