Brother, I'm Dying Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brother, I'm Dying Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV (pages 170 - 224).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Danticat's brother Kelly remind her of when she tells him she is pregnant?
(a) That she told him she always wanted to have twins.
(b) That she told him she always wanted to be a mother.
(c) That she told him she would move back to Brooklyn if she had a child.
(d) That in high school, Danticat told him she never wanted to get married or have children so she could write her books.

2. Why does Danticat's father lose his job on the day they arrive in the United States from Haiti?
(a) He could not take the physical labor involved in the job any longer.
(b) He asked his boss for a raise, and the boss had fired him.
(c) He asked his boss if he could leave work early to pick his children up at the airport, and the boss had said no.
(d) He had been wrongly accused of stealing from the company.

3. What disguise does Joseph wear to move between houses in Bel Air in October 2004?
(a) A beard and glasses.
(b) A woman's muumuu and wig.
(c) A farmer's hat and overalls.
(d) A doctor's coat.

4. What story does Tante Denise tell Danticat the last time Danticat visits her in Haiti?
(a) The Snake and the Badger.
(b) The Angel of Death and Father God.
(c) The Old Goat and the Young Ram.
(d) The House With the Golden Windows.

5. Where does Joseph meet Denise for the first time?
(a) On the street in Brooklyn.
(b) In the markets of Bel Air.
(c) On the hills in Beausejour, Haiti.
(d) In the church in Bel Air.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Danticat when she becomes pregnant for the first time?

2. What was the name of Joseph's and Mira's mother?

3. Why does Aristide leave office less than a year after being sworn in in 1991?

4. Which of Danticat's brothers live closest to their parents?

5. Who was secretly pregnant in 1974?

(see the answer key)

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