The Bronze Bow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bronze Bow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is he useful to Daniel?
(a) Hunting for wild game for Daniel to eat.
(b) Repairing Daniel's clothes.
(c) Carrying Daniel down the mountain.
(d) Keeping the bellows going so Daniel can make steel.

2. How does Daniel react when the soldier kicks out at him?
(a) He makes a rude gesture.
(b) He slaps the horse and makes it rear up.
(c) He throws the bowl and the water at the Roman's face.
(d) He curses the soldier.

3. What does Rosh want Daniel to do as a favor to him?
(a) Repair a dagger that is special to him.
(b) Make him a suit of armor.
(c) Go back to Capernaum and steal from Joel's house.
(d) Teach Samson that he must obey Rosh.

4. Why does Simon say they have to wash in the pool on the way to the village?
(a) There is no water for bathing in the village.
(b) By the time they arrived, it will already be the Sabbath.
(c) People will fear Daniel because he is so dirty.
(d) If Daniel doesn't wash, his grandmother will not recognize him.

5. What holds Joel back from staying on the mountain with Daniel?
(a) He has to take his sister back down the mountain.
(b) He forgot to bring along extra clothes.
(c) He is afraid of his father.
(d) His responsibilities to his family.

6. What story did Simon tell Daniel about Jesus?
(a) How they tried to kill him in Nazareth.
(b) How 5,000 people were fed by Jesus.
(c) How Jesus walked on water.
(d) How a blind mand was made to see.

7. Some people do not have a high opinion of Rosh. What do they think he is?
(a) A Roman soldier who deserted.
(b) A myth.
(c) A coward who is only in hiding.
(d) A bandit who robs everyone.

8. What is Daniel's problem with the Jewish merchants in the city?
(a) They refuse to look at him because of his clothes.
(b) They joke and talk with the soldiers.
(c) They overcharge for their goods.
(d) They will not give alms to the poor who come by.

9. For the second time, Daniel finds himself waiting for someone. Who?
(a) Simon the Zealot.
(b) The carpenter from Nazareth.
(c) Joel and Thacia.
(d) Samson.

10. What does Joel tell Daniel about Rosh?
(a) That all the school boys know his name.
(b) That Rosh came to recruit at his school.
(c) That Rosh gives money to schools and synagogues.
(d) That every school boy thinks he is a hero.

11. What is Joel's explanation to Daniel for Thacia's strange behavior?
(a) That she's putting on city airs these days.
(b) That she's being trained to be in charge of a household.
(c) That she's still not accustomed to living in the city.
(d) That she's been ill lately.

12. Why do two men stop Daniel as the soldiers pass by?
(a) They are Roman citizens.
(b) They do not want the soldiers to find aout about Rosh.
(c) If the soldiers get angry, they might destroy the village.
(d) They are not yet ready to attack the Roman army.

13. Why does Joel insist on staying near Daniel when the pack train is coming?
(a) He thinks Daniel is lying to him.
(b) He thinks Rosh is nearby and wants to meet him.
(c) He hopes to get some of the gold.
(d) He wants to see the large black man.

14. What stirs Leah out of the corner during the night?
(a) A snake that drops from the ceiling.
(b) The small fire Daniel lights.
(c) A rat that comes for the bread.
(d) Daniel telling stories of their childhood.

15. Why does Daniel decide to return to Capernaum?
(a) He suspects that Simon is there following Jesus.
(b) He wants to take his time returning to the cave.
(c) He needs to see Thacia again.
(d) He wants to see if he is still wanted by the Romans.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Daniel tell Joel everyone will know one day?

2. What is Rosh's attitude when Daniel goes to tell him he now has to stay in the village?

3. Why did Daniel run away from Ketzah in the first place?

4. What does Daniel think at first about how his life is being planned out?

5. What does Ebol tell Daniel they must take from the passing pack train?

(see the answer keys)

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