Brokeback Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brokeback Mountain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alma suggest they do on the day Jack visits Ennis?
(a) Go to a restaurant.
(b) Have a cookout.
(c) Show him around town.
(d) Order takeout.

2. What does Jack tell Ennis he did for work a bit in the four years since they have seen each other?
(a) Rodeoing.
(b) Herding.
(c) Wrestling.
(d) Wrangling.

3. Where do Ennis and Jack drive to after leaving Ennis's house?
(a) The movies.
(b) The Motel Siesta.
(c) The local bar.
(d) The rodeo.

4. What word is used to describe the way Jack and Ennis hug when Jack first arrives at Ennis's place in Riverton?
(a) Awkwardly.
(b) Lovingly.
(c) Mightily.
(d) Warmly.

5. What does Jack say Lureen's dad would probably do if Jack wanted to leave her?
(a) Drive him to his new ranch.
(b) Beg him to stay with his daughter.
(c) Kill him.
(d) Pay him.

6. How does Ennis describe 17-year-old Alma, Jr. to Jack?
(a) Smart.
(b) Wild.
(c) Serious.
(d) Shy.

7. What holiday does Ennis join Alma and her husband and kids for after they split up?
(a) New Year's.
(b) Thanksgiving.
(c) Easter.
(d) Christmas.

8. What does Alma tell Ennis he should do when she tells him she is worried about him when he came to their house for a holiday meal?
(a) Alma tells Ennis he should get a stable job.
(b) Alma tells Ennis he should leave town.
(c) Alma tells Ennis he should move in with Jack.
(d) Alma tells Ennis he should remarry.

9. What does Ennis tell Jack at the end of their week together?
(a) He does not think they should see each other any more.
(b) He cannot see him until November.
(c) He wants to see him next month.
(d) He cannot wait until their next meeting.

10. How does Ennis react when Alma tells him she knows what he and Jack have been up to?
(a) He tells her he's sorry and he can't help it.
(b) He grabs her wrist and tells her to shut up.
(c) He begs her not to tell anyone.
(d) He says she better not say a word to their kids.

11. Why is Jack upset by what Ennis tells him at the end of their week together?
(a) They were supposed to see each other in August.
(b) He cannot take any time off to see Ennis when he is free.
(c) He wanted to break up with Ennis first.
(d) He does not think Lureen will let him go away again anytime soon.

12. What is Jack's wife's name?
(a) Lily.
(b) Laurie.
(c) Lureen.
(d) Lola.

13. What does Jack say surprised him on their last day on Brokeback Mountain?
(a) The punch Ennis threw him.
(b) The letter Ennis wrote him.
(c) The fact that Ennis let him go.
(d) The kiss Ennis gave him.

14. What does Alma tell Ennis she used to wonder about regarding his fishing trips with Jack?
(a) Why he never brought her and the kids along.
(b) Why he never brought home any fish.
(c) Why he was always so giddy about the trips.
(d) Why they always fished so far away.

15. What does Ennis tell Jack his brother K.E. did to him every single day?
(a) Teased him.
(b) Beat the piss out of him.
(c) Drove him to work.
(d) Slugged him silly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Alma's husband's name?

2. Where does the woman Ennis has been seeing in Signal work?

3. How does Jack describe his wife to Ennis when he visits him in Riverton?

4. How old was Ennis when Earl died?

5. How does Jack say Lureen's father feels about him?

(see the answer keys)

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