Brighton Rock Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brighton Rock Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Pinkie's reaction when Rose tells him that she knows he killed Kibber?
(a) He changes the subject.
(b) He is amused.
(c) He is surprised.
(d) He is angry.

2. How much money does Pinkie give to Mr. Prewitt in Part 7, Chapter 3?
(a) Ten pounds.
(b) Fifteen pounds.
(c) Twenty pounds.
(d) Twenty five pounds.

3. Which one of the following does Rose tell Pinkie in Part 5, Chapter 2?
(a) She might tell people what she knows about him.
(b) She wants to buy a house.
(c) She might leave Brighton.
(d) She is thinking of having a big wedding.

4. Where does Cubitt drink in Part 6, Chapter 1?
(a) The Pavilion.
(b) The Greys.
(c) The Cricketers.
(d) The Crown.

5. What response does Rose give to Pinkie about the idea of marriage?
(a) She agrees with certain conditions.
(b) She declines.
(c) She says she will think about it.
(d) She agrees.

Short Answer Questions

1. What illness does Mr. Prewitt have in Part 7, Chapter 3?

2. Which important piece of information does Ida tell Rose in Part 7, Chapter 1?

3. Which of the following does Pinkie discover about the room in Part 7, Chapter 4?

4. What is Cubitt's reaction to Pinkie's admission of killing Spicer in Part 5, Chapter 5?

5. What does Pinkie do with Rose's note at the end of Part 6, Chapter 2?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Cubitt go to the Cosmopolitan and who does he meet first there?

2. What is Rose's response when Pinkie informs her of his doubt about their marriage?

3. Why does Pinkie visit Mr. Prewitt in Part 7, Chapter 3?

4. How does Crab explain Colleoni's hiring procedures to Cubitt?

5. What assurance does Rose give to Pinkie in Part 7, Chapter 4?

6. Where and how does Pinkie tell Rose about his plan in Part 7, Chapter 7?

7. How are Pinkie and Rose married?

8. Why does Rose go to Snow's after her marriage and who does she talk with there?

9. How does Pinkie ask Rose to marry him?

10. Where do Pinkie and Rose seek shelter after their marriage and how does Pinkie record a message for Rose?

(see the answer keys)

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