Bright and Morning Star Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bright and Morning Star Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sue do when she quits ironing?
(a) Goes to bed.
(b) Sews Johnny-Boy's jacket.
(c) Has a bottle of beer.
(d) Fixes Johnny-Boy's dinner.

2. How does Johnny-Boy feel when his mother keeps talking at him?
(a) Impatient.
(b) Happy.
(c) Inspired.
(d) Stupid.

3. What does Reva tell Sue to tell Johnny-Boy?
(a) That her father is looking for him.
(b) That she loves him.
(c) To keep his comrades away from her house.
(d) That they have a date Saturday.

4. Where does Sue find people in her house?
(a) The living room.
(b) The kitchen.
(c) In her bedroom.
(d) Johnny-Boy's room.

5. By what is Sue consumed?
(a) Forgiveness for the Sheriff.
(b) Bitter knowledge.
(c) Tolerance for the ignorant Sheriff.
(d) Bitter pride.

6. What does Sue realize about Johnny-Boy?
(a) He and his father are very much alike.
(b) He has to continue his work for the party.
(c) He will probably move away soon.
(d) He is irresponsible.

7. What happens when Johnny-Boy dozes off?
(a) Reva comes back.
(b) He starts to snore.
(c) His pipe drops to the floor.
(d) Lightning hits the house.

8. What did Sue see as taking precedence over her life?
(a) Winnning the lottery.
(b) Staying alive.
(c) Taking care of her sons.
(d) White people's laws.

9. How does Sue feel about Reva?
(a) Is wary of her.
(b) Is afraid of her.
(c) Likes and trusts her.
(d) Is suspicious of her.

10. What does Sue do to ease her fear?
(a) Sings a song she learned from her mother.
(b) Watches television.
(c) Reads the Bible.
(d) Goes into town.

11. What does Sue do to ignore her fears?
(a) Concentrate on work.
(b) Call her sister in Ohio.
(c) Read the Bible.
(d) Have a glass of whiskey.

12. What does Sue feel in her face?
(a) A mosquito.
(b) A burlap sack.
(c) Left over greens from dinner.
(d) Water from the tea pot.

13. What does Johnny-Boy do when he comes home?
(a) Eats dinner.
(b) Takes off his shoes and lights his pipe.
(c) Takes a shower.
(d) Goes to bed.

14. After Sue is on the floor again, what does the Sheriff do?
(a) Kicks her in the head and stomach.
(b) Tells her she's under arrest.
(c) Tells her that he'll be back with her son's corpse.
(d) Nothing.

15. Who does Sue think is responsible for telling the sheriff about the meeting?
(a) Reva's father.
(b) One of the new white people.
(c) She doesn't have an opinion.
(d) Reva.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sue tell the Sheriff about the meeting?

2. What does Sue do while Johnny-Boy is eating?

3. What does the sheriff tell Sue?

4. How does Sue earn her living?

5. What does Sue hear after she returns to her ironing after Reva left?

(see the answer keys)

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