Bright Lights, Big City Test | Final Test - Medium

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Bright Lights, Big City Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator offer to trade with the man?
(a) He offers his shoes.
(b) He offers cocaine.
(c) He offers to wash dishes.
(d) He offers to trade his sunglasses.

2. Why does the narrator theorize he actually married Amanda?
(a) He wanted to please his mother on her deathbed.
(b) He wanted to make Michael jealous.
(c) He was so eager to get married he did not care to whom.
(d) He was entranced by her beauty.

3. Why has Michael come to get the narrator?
(a) He is getting married the next day and the narrator is the best man.
(b) The next day is the anniversary of their mother's death.
(c) Their father has died unexpectedly.
(d) The narrator owes Michael money.

4. Who does he call the minute he wakes up?
(a) Michael.
(b) Megan Avery.
(c) Vicky Hollins.
(d) Clara Tillinghast.

5. What drink does the narrator order at the bar?
(a) Whiskey and Coca-Cola.
(b) A margarita.
(c) Gin and tonic.
(d) Vodka on ice.

Short Answer Questions

1. What image of their mother does Michael keep in his memory?

2. What does the narrator smell on his way home, through his nose-bleed?

3. What have they resolved to leave in Clara's office?

4. Where does the narrator wake up the next morning?

5. What is the narrator's plan for the fashion show?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the significance of the rolls of bread?

2. What catalysts are responsible for the narrator rising early, reading the paper, and arriving on time to work?

3. Why does Michael say he never liked Amanda?

4. Why does the narrator opt to take Megan's valium?

5. What does the reader learn about Megan's past?

6. How does Michael's reappearance change the narrator's demeanor?

7. Why does the narrator leap out of the limo to escape his conversation with Bernie, the drug lord?

8. Why is a home-cooked meal such a novelty for the narrator?

9. What happens when the narrator and Amanda speak?

10. How has the narrator gotten the ticket for Amanda's fashion show?

(see the answer keys)

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