Bright Lights, Big City Test | Final Test - Easy

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Bright Lights, Big City Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does he have to say in the phone call?
(a) He says that he just passed out hysterically laughing at Amanda.
(b) He says that he is in love with Vicky and needs to find her.
(c) He says that he is a cocaine addict and needs help.
(d) He says that his mother died a year ago.

2. Of what does the scent remind the narrator?
(a) It reminds him of his mother baking bread.
(b) It reminds him of the way Vicky smells.
(c) It reminds him of his old job.
(d) It reminds him of his encounter the night before.

3. Who does the narrator call after leaving the club?
(a) Michael.
(b) Vicky.
(c) Amanda.
(d) Megan.

4. Who is on the phone when the narrator gets back to his apartment?
(a) Amanda White.
(b) Clara Tillinghast.
(c) Megan Avery.
(d) Richard Fox.

5. What does the narrator discover is missing from the department store window?
(a) The article about the magazine.
(b) His favorite clothing ad.
(c) Amanda's mannequin.
(d) Megan's commercial.

6. What does the narrator do after Amanda speaks to him?
(a) He throws his drink on the floor and challenges her fiance.
(b) He busts into tears and runs from the club.
(c) He begins laughing hysterically and cannot stop.
(d) He punches her in the mouth, breaking her teeth.

7. Where does the narrator decide to go?
(a) The Lion's Head Pub.
(b) Home.
(c) Odeon.
(d) The office.

8. Upon opening the Post, what does the narrator discover about Coma Baby?
(a) Coma Baby was delivered six weeks premature and the mother is dead.
(b) Coma Baby's mother has woken up and everyone is fine.
(c) Coma Baby was expected to have a safe, normal delivery.
(d) Coma Baby was experiencing complications and doctors were worried.

9. How does the narrator feel in his meeting with Clara?
(a) Detached: like a samurai, she cannot hurt him if he has already resolved to die.
(b) Giddy: he hates this job and wants to quit.
(c) Afraid: he does not want Clara doing him bodily harm.
(d) Horrified: he is completely blindsided by their conversation.

10. Who does the narrator encounter at the club?
(a) Michael.
(b) The Ghost.
(c) Amanda.
(d) Megan.

11. Before implementing his plan, what does the narrator compare himself to?
(a) He compares himself to a terrorist waiting in unsuspecting crowd.
(b) He compares himself to menorah in a Christmas tree shop.
(c) He compares himself to a tourist in Times Square.
(d) He compares himself to children at family holidays.

12. What have they resolved to leave in Clara's office?
(a) A bunch of balloons.
(b) Fred, the ferret.
(c) A large pile of cocaine.
(d) Rolls and rolls of toilet paper.

13. What does the narrator want from Amanda?
(a) He wants her to give back her engagement ring.
(b) He wants an explanation for her abandonment.
(c) He wants her to trip and fall on the runway.
(d) He wants her to go back home with him.

14. What item does he steal from the man at the bar?
(a) A briefcase.
(b) A business card.
(c) A set of car keys.
(d) A vodka martini.

15. What does the narrator feel he must relearn?
(a) He must relearn everything.
(b) He must relearn certain dance steps.
(c) He must relearn how to love.
(d) He must relearn to ride a bike.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the narrator theorize he actually married Amanda?

2. What does the narrator give to Megan?

3. What does the phone call entail?

4. What does the narrator discover in an envelope in his desk?

5. What animal does Megan say was found in the mail room?

(see the answer keys)

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