Bright Lights, Big City Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Bright Lights, Big City Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why hasn't the narrator told his father about the divorce?
(a) His father loved Amanda more than anyone.
(b) He feels it is his duty to appear happy for his father.
(c) His father is in a coma and is non responsive.
(d) He cannot stand the satisfaction his father would get from the divorce.

2. What kind of cigarettes does Dolly smoke?
(a) Camels.
(b) Kools.
(c) Marlboros.
(d) Parliaments.

3. Why does the narrator like Tad Allagash?
(a) He and Allagash have been through a lot of tough times together.
(b) He and Allagash have been friends since childhood.
(c) Allagash is helping the narrator win back Amanda, the love of his life.
(d) Allagash never asks him probing questions: their friendship is very surface.

4. What is the narrator's nickname for cocaine?
(a) Clubbing Powder.
(b) Damage Control.
(c) Powdered Sugar.
(d) Bolivian Marching Powder.

5. To what does the narrator compare Vicky's childhood?
(a) Heaven.
(b) Arcadia.
(c) Camelot.
(d) Babylon.

6. What reservations did the narrator's father have about Amanda?
(a) He feared the differences in their backgrounds would come between them.
(b) He found her unfriendly and feared she would not warm up.
(c) He feared Amanda would discover that his son was an imbecile.
(d) He feared she would not like the east coast.

7. What does stepping outside the club feel like to the narrator?
(a) A heavenly descent.
(b) A brisk morning walk.
(c) A mother's reproach.
(d) A shopping trip at Christmastime.

8. What street performer do Vicky and the narrator watch at Sheridan Square?
(a) A one-man band.
(b) A painted statue person.
(c) A dancer with a boom box.
(d) An acrobat on a unicycle.

9. When the narrator leaves for lunch, what does Megan ask him to bring back for her?
(a) A ham sandwich.
(b) A salad.
(c) A diet soda.
(d) A Tab.

10. What scent does the narrator catch on Bleecker street?
(a) An Italian bakery.
(b) Coffee from open windows of an apartment building.
(c) Fresh fish.
(d) A dumpster.

11. What does the narrator attempt to sit and write about?
(a) He tries to write about his brother.
(b) He tries to write about Allagash.
(c) He tries to write about Amanda.
(d) He tries to write about the magazine.

12. On the way to work, what poster does the narrator see?
(a) A kids' show poster.
(b) A concert poster.
(c) A Wanted poster.
(d) A Missing Person poster.

13. In which department would the narrator rather be working?
(a) The Fiction Department.
(b) The Department of Photography.
(c) The Department of Factual Verification.
(d) The Grammar Department.

14. What two feelings is the narrator torn between when he discovers his proofs are gone?
(a) Horror and relief.
(b) Sadness and anger.
(c) Pride and shame.
(d) Confusion and disappointment.

15. Where do Tad and the narrator go to party?
(a) New Jersey.
(b) Odeon.
(c) Dubai.
(d) The Smith.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is the narrator?

2. What kind of guy does the narrator see himself as?

3. What heath ailment does Wade knowingly joke about with the narrator?

4. What river is the narrator gazing across?

5. Why does the narrator decide to go in to work?

(see the answer keys)

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