Bright Lights, Big City Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

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Bright Lights, Big City Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter Seven, Pygmies, Ferrets and Dog Chow.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the narrator feel in his meeting with Clara?
(a) Giddy: he hates this job and wants to quit.
(b) Detached: like a samurai, she cannot hurt him if he has already resolved to die.
(c) Afraid: he does not want Clara doing him bodily harm.
(d) Horrified: he is completely blindsided by their conversation.

2. What is Seventh Avenue called below Fortieth Street?
(a) Avenue A.
(b) Bleeker Street.
(c) Fashion Avenue.
(d) West End Avenue.

3. Upon arriving at his apartment, what does the narrator realize he has forgotten?
(a) His cell phone.
(b) His rolodex.
(c) His wedding ring.
(d) His keys.

4. What street performer do Vicky and the narrator watch at Sheridan Square?
(a) A one-man band.
(b) A painted statue person.
(c) A dancer with a boom box.
(d) An acrobat on a unicycle.

5. How does Allagash help explain Amanda's omnipresence in the apartment?
(a) She has left her skin behind in the form of dust.
(b) She has left all her clothes in the closet.
(c) She has left pictures of herself everywhere.
(d) She calls once a week and hangs up before the narrator can speak.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the narrator leaves for lunch, what does Megan ask him to bring back for her?

2. What is the narrator's punishment for failing in his duty?

3. In fifty years, how many retractions has the magazine printed?

4. What does the homeless person do on the narrator's train ride to work?

5. What mood is the narrator in as he goes to bed after the date?

(see the answer key)

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