Bright Lights, Big City Multiple Choice Test Questions

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Bright Lights, Big City Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter One, It's Six A. M. Do You Know Where You Are?

1. In what point of view is the novel written?
(a) Third person.
(b) Second person.
(c) First person.
(d) Third person omniscient.

2. Who is the narrator talking with at the club?
(a) Michael.
(b) A girl with a shaved head.
(c) A man with a lizard.
(d) Amanda.

3. What is the narrator's nickname for cocaine?
(a) Damage Control.
(b) Clubbing Powder.
(c) Powdered Sugar.
(d) Bolivian Marching Powder.

4. With whom did the narrator come to the club?
(a) Clara Tillinghast.
(b) Megan Avery.
(c) Michael.
(d) Tad Allagash.

5. What is Tad Allagash's main goal in life?
(a) He is doctor and is working fervently to cure cancer.
(b) He is an athlete and constantly training for the Olympic games.
(c) He strives to have more fun than anyone else in New York City.
(d) He hopes one day to become mayor of New York City.

6. Who does the narrator hope to meet in the club?
(a) His ex-wife Amanda.
(b) The kind of girl who would not be in a place like that.
(c) A movie star.
(d) The co-worker of his dreams, Clara Tillinghast.

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