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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Destruction say he wants to learn to do when he buys something from the village for his house?
(a) To cook.
(b) To write.
(c) To clean.
(d) To decorate.
2. Why does Dream say he came to find Destruction?
(a) All of these.
(b) To get his brother back.
(c) To help his sister.
(d) To make sure Ruby didn't die in vain.
3. What kind of place does Tiffany live in?
(a) Apartment.
(b) House.
(c) Motel.
(d) Flat.
4. What did Ishtar say the Babylonians do to worship the Gods?
(a) Had sex with women.
(b) Killed animals.
(c) Burned women.
(d) Scourged their bodies.
5. What kind of creature is the person who critiques Destruction's writing?
(a) A raven.
(b) A dog.
(c) A goddess.
(d) A deer.
6. What did Destruction make a mechanism to do if someone tried to find him?
(a) Change their minds.
(b) Prepare Destruction.
(c) Stop the seekers.
(d) Warn him.
7. Where does Delirium decide to start looking when she wants to go to her oldest brother's realm?
(a) A motel.
(b) The circus.
(c) Her bedroom.
(d) A school.
8. What does Destruction say he knows about while he is writing?
(a) His family is looking for him.
(b) His time is coming.
(c) His sister is in trouble.
(d) His lover died.
9. What is Ishtar's occupation?
(a) Artist.
(b) Bartender.
(c) Stripper.
(d) Waitress.
10. What does Destruction say there are two sides to?
(a) Coins.
(b) Dreams.
(c) Days.
(d) Faces.
11. How long does it take for Dream to find out from his son where Destruction is?
(a) A few minutes.
(b) A few hours.
(c) A few weeks.
(d) A few days.
12. Who critiques Destruction's writing?
(a) Barnabas.
(b) Barbara.
(c) Evelyn.
(d) Matthew.
13. What happens to Ishtar as she begins to really dance for the first time?
(a) She fades.
(b) She changes her image.
(c) She bleeds.
(d) She glows.
14. What was Ishtar the goddess of?
(a) Love.
(b) Dance.
(c) Victory.
(d) Music.
15. What does Tiffany do when Ishtar begins to really dance for the first time?
(a) She runs away.
(b) She locks the doors.
(c) She faints.
(d) She joins in the dance.
Short Answer Questions
1. What adorns the lawn at the oldest brother's house?
2. What does the oldest brother do when Delirium is leaving his realm?
3. What does Delirium tell her oldest brother there are always two sides to?
4. Who does Dream get to teach Delirium to drive?
5. What image is on the thing that adorns the lawn at the oldest brother's house?
This section contains 404 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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