Bridget Jones's Diary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bridget Jones's Diary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bridget is under pressure to land a huge interview for her boss. Who arranges for her to get an exclusive interview?
(a) Mark.
(b) The Associated Press.
(c) Her boss.
(d) She does it herself.

2. How does Bridget try to make herself feel better about her breakup with Daniel?
(a) She calls Perpetua.
(b) She calls her ex-boyfriend.
(c) She calls her Smug Married friends.
(d) She calls a therapist.

3. What has Julio done that causes Bridget's mum to run off with him?
(a) Defrauded their friends and family.
(b) Killed a man.
(c) Robbed a bank.
(d) Created a Ponzi scheme.

4. Why does Mark dislike Daniel?
(a) Mark doesn't like the way Daniel looks.
(b) Daniel slept with Mark's wife.
(c) He is jealous of Daniel's relationship with Bridget.
(d) Mark heard Daniel say something bad about Bridget.

5. Una calls Mark's date, Natasha, "quite the Little Madam." She means Natasha is ___________.
(a) Cruel.
(b) Full of herself.
(c) Very kind.
(d) Helpful.

6. Mark Darcy makes it clear that he does not like ________________.
(a) Bridget's mum.
(b) Tarts and Vicars.
(c) Daniel Cleaver.
(d) Bridget.

7. Why does Bridget think Daniel cheated on her?
(a) Because he was bored.
(b) She doesn't think he cheated on her.
(c) Because she is fat.
(d) Because she is too needy.

8. Mark does not want Bridget to worry too much about dinner. She thinks his concern is ___________.
(a) Sweet.
(b) Weird.
(c) Overbearing.
(d) Pitiful.

9. After listening to a group of Smug Married men discuss the younger women, Bridget announces to the dinner party that her new boyfriend is __________.
(a) A woman.
(b) 55.
(c) Thirty-something.
(d) 23.

10. Why does Perpetua charge Bridget extra money for their room in Edinburgh?
(a) She knows Bridget cannot afford the payment.
(b) Perpetua needs the money.
(c) Bridget broke a lamp in the room.
(d) She thinks Bridget had a man staying with her.

11. Bridget and Mark never go out to dinner together. Why?
(a) Bridget didn't hear him knock.
(b) Bridget hid in her flat to avoid him.
(c) He never called her.
(d) Mark stood her up.

12. What does Tom tell Bridget to do about Daniel?
(a) Not to call him.
(b) To break up with him.
(c) That he will come back.
(d) To call him.

13. What does Bridget's mum do for her that makes things better?
(a) Goes back to her father.
(b) Pays her rent.
(c) Gets her a job interview.
(d) Finds her a nice man to date.

14. Bridget lists her yearly calorie count as ____________.
(a) Pretty good.
(b) Hideous.
(c) She doesn't care about calories anymore.
(d) Repulsive.

15. Out of desperation, Bridget decides to call her mum for advice. She calls the advice her mum gives her ____________.
(a) The best advice she has ever heard.
(b) Bad.
(c) Brilliant.
(d) Silly.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much weight does she lose over the year?

2. Which items does Bridget NOT serve at dinner?

3. Why is Bridget excited when Daniel agrees to go to the Tarts and Vicars party?

4. Why is Bridget upset when Daniel backs out of going to the Tarts and Vicars party?

5. The January - December chapter is:

(see the answer keys)

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