Bridge to Terabithia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bridge to Terabithia Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can’t Mrs. Burke help in Chapter 7?
(a) She is in a wheelchair from polio.
(b) She is traveling for work.
(c) She is writing a book.
(d) She is sick with influenza and cannot get out of bed.

2. Who tells Jess “Boy, don’t be a fool. God ain’t gonna send any little girls to hell”?
(a) Leslie’s mother.
(b) Jess’s mother.
(c) Jess’s father.
(d) Leslie’s father.

3. Where does Jess get invited to go in Chapter 10?
(a) To Terabithia by Leslie.
(b) To the Burke’s house for dinner.
(c) To work with his father.
(d) On a trip to Washington D.C. to see the galleries.

4. When Bill hugs Jesse in Chapter 12, what is physically uncomfortable?
(a) Jess has a crink in his neck.
(b) A button from Bill’s shirt is pressing into Jesse’s forehead.
(c) Bill is holding him tight and it is hard for Jess to breathe.
(d) Bill does not hug Jesses.

5. Who does Leslie hear crying in the girls’ bathroom in Chapter 7?
(a) May Belle.
(b) Brenda.
(c) Miss Edmunds.
(d) Janice Avery.

6. What does Leslie believe has caused the rain in Chapter 9?
(a) An evil being has put a curse on Terabithia.
(b) A hurricane.
(c) Bureau of Weather Management.
(d) Her and Jess’ wrongdoings.

7. Which holiday is nearing in Chapter 8?
(a) Easter.
(b) Fourth of July.
(c) Labor Day.
(d) New Year’s Day.

8. After Leslie’s encounters with Janice Avery in Chapter 7, Leslie comes into the fifth grade classroom with what?
(a) A black eye.
(b) A scowl.
(c) A smile on her face.
(d) A bloody lip.

9. What happens to Jess’s father in Chapter 8?
(a) He gets a promotion.
(b) He gets a new job.
(c) He is laid off from work.
(d) He quits his job.

10. How does Jess respond to May Belle’s question when he returns from the Perkins’ place in Chapter 12?
(a) He hits her really hard in the face.
(b) He yells at her and tells her to shut up.
(c) He ignores her and walks past her.
(d) He begins sobbing and runs to their room.

11. What do Brenda and Ellie accuse Jess of the morning after finding out Leslie is dead?
(a) They accuse him of being boring.
(b) They accuse him of Leslie’s death since he didn’t invite her to DC.
(c) They accuse Jess of not caring that Leslie is dead.
(d) Stealing their pancakes.

12. At the end of Chapter 7, who finds out about Terabithia?
(a) May Belle.
(b) Mr. Burke.
(c) Jess's mother.
(d) Miss Edmunds.

13. Who carries P.T. across the water?
(a) Nobody, he swims across.
(b) Jess.
(c) Leslie.
(d) Judy.

14. What does Mrs. Burke sometimes do while Jess, Leslie and Mr. Burke are painting and working?
(a) She reads poetry to them.
(b) Mrs. Burke is not around when they are painting the living room.
(c) She helps.
(d) She cooks treats for them.

15. Why does Jess feel uncomfortable at the Burke’s house in Chapter 12?
(a) He’s embarrassed of his parents.
(b) The adults are not treating him kindly.
(c) He does not like the Burkes.
(d) He is the only child and all of the adults are crying and watching him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Jess and Leslie see at the creek bed that leads them to Terabithia?

2. Who is afraid of the water in Chapter 9?

3. Who finds Jess and comforts him at the creek in Chapter 12?

4. At the Smithsonian, which exhibit does Jess feel a “frightening sense of kinship” with (p.100)?

5. What observations does Jess make about Leslie’s mother in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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