Bridge of Clay Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bridge of Clay Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When training with McAndrew, on what days could apprentices ask questions?
(a) Sundays.
(b) Saturdays.
(c) Fridays.
(d) Thursdays.

2. Why had Jodie Etchells been held back in school?
(a) Because of fighting and behavioral problems.
(b) Because she was autistic.
(c) Because she was dyslexic.
(d) Because she had been in a car accident.

3. Who was the man selling the mule in "Love in the Time of Chaos"?
(a) Walter.
(b) Malcolm.
(c) Jack.
(d) Freddie.

4. Who was Achilles' mother in Greek mythology?
(a) Agamemnon.
(b) Aeschylus.
(c) Nereid Thetis.
(d) Persephone.

5. What profession had Carey's father had previously?
(a) Horse jockey.
(b) Dentist.
(c) Mechanical engineer.
(d) Banker.

6. By what nickname did Jimmy Hartnell call Matthew in "Survival of the Dunbar Boys"?
(a) "Mr. Responsible."
(b) "Piano."
(c) "Rich Snob."
(d) "Widower."

7. How old was Matthew when his mother began getting sick?
(a) 9.
(b) 8.
(c) 14.
(d) 12.

8. What did Henry refer to Matthew as in "The Grand Entrance"?
(a) Mr. Reliable.
(b) The Human Ball-and-Chain.
(c) The Pet Collector.
(d) The Smiler.

9. What movie were the Dunbar brothers watching when Henry arrived at home in "The Grand Entrance"?
(a) Weird Science.
(b) Gremlins.
(c) Freaky Friday.
(d) Bachelor Party.

10. By what name did Carey's brothers call their mother?
(a) Catherine the Great.
(b) Catherine the Jovial.
(c) Catherine the Cautious.
(d) Catherine the Victorious.

11. When did Matthew and his brothers load up the car to go to their father's home in "Football in the River"?
(a) December.
(b) July.
(c) September.
(d) March.

12. In what book did Ms. Kirkby place her number when loaning it to Clay in "The Warm-Armed Claudia Kirkby"?
(a) Sonnyboy and Chief.
(b) The Odyssey.
(c) The Iliad.
(d) The Battle of East Fifteenth Street.

13. What did Henry refer to Clay as in "The Grand Entrance"?
(a) The Pet Collector.
(b) The Smiler.
(c) The Human Ball-and-Chain.
(d) Mr. Reliable.

14. What actress starred in Weird Science?
(a) Kelly LeBrock.
(b) Linda Blair.
(c) Teri Hatcher.
(d) Emile Persons.

15. What did Clay find in his hand on the day his mother died?
(a) A quarter.
(b) A lighter.
(c) A clothing peg.
(d) A penny.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long after his father's disappearance did Clay begin looking for him?

2. Who was Carey's trainer in the races?

3. Who assisted Penelope's suicide?

4. In what grade was Matthew when Jimmy Hartnell began bullying him about playing piano?

5. What was the one coveted race that Ted could not get into because he could not make the weight requirement?

(see the answer keys)

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