The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Scratchy do to the door of the Weary Gentleman?
(a) He runs at the door.
(b) He bangs on the door with his revolver.
(c) He yells at the door.
(d) He shoots at the door.

2. What color shirt is Scratchy wearing?
(a) Green.
(b) Maroon.
(c) Blue.
(d) Red.

3. Where does the dog go to avoid Scratchy?
(a) He is heading up the street.
(b) He is going inside the bar.
(c) He is going home.
(d) He is heading for the alley.

4. How does the author describe the fact that Jack has trouble speaking when he sees Scratchy?
(a) "His mouth was filled with sand."
(b) "His mouth was a grave for his tongue."
(c) "His mouth was dry and he couldn't speak."
(d) "Like glue on his tongue."

5. What is Scratchy's reaction when he misses the piece of paper?
(a) He yells in anger.
(b) He laughes.
(c) He shoots again and again.
(d) He cusses at himself.

6. How does the author describe Scratchy's reaction to Jack's marriage?
(a) Like a dog lost without his master.
(b) Like a man releaved.
(c) Like a creature allowed a glimpse of another world.
(d) Like a lost soul looking for a home.

7. What does Scratchy want at the Weary Gentleman?
(a) The drummer.
(b) The barkeeper.
(c) The dog.
(d) A drink.

8. What does the stillness of the town form over Scratchy?
(a) The arch of an angel.
(b) The arch of a bridge.
(c) The arch of a tomb.
(d) The arch bishop.

9. What is the color of the tops of Scratchy's boots?
(a) Blue.
(b) Violte.
(c) Green.
(d) Red.

10. Scratcy's yelling is met by what on Main Street?
(a) The dog barking.
(b) The men in the bar yelling back.
(c) Silence.
(d) Shooting.

11. How does the author describe the town through Scratchy's mind?
(a) It is wearing for him.
(b) It is dangerous to him.
(c) It is a toy for him.
(d) It is a joke to him.

12. Why is Jack not armed on his wedding day?
(a) Because guns were not allowed on the train, and Jack hasn't rearmed himself yet,
(b) Because he believes such an occasion does not call for it.
(c) Because guns scare his new wife, and she asked him not to wear them.
(d) Because he left in such a hurry, he forgot his gun.

13. Jack doesn't take Scratchy for a kid; he takes him for a what?
(a) A fool.
(b) A threat.
(c) An old man.
(d) An idiot.

14. What does Scratchy think about what Jack has to say?
(a) He thinks Jack is lying.
(b) he thinks Jack is being funny.
(c) He thinks he didn't hear Jack right.
(d) He thinks Jack has gone crazy.

15. When Scratchy confronts Jack, how much does Jack move backwards?
(a) Three paces.
(b) Not an inch.
(c) One foot.
(d) He keeps backing up to brotect his bride.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jack not have gun?

2. What does Scratchy do to scare the dog?

3. Where does Scratchy find the piece of paper?

4. What is Jack's wife's reaction to Scratchy?

5. What does Scratchy say when Jack tells him of his morning?

(see the answer keys)

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