Brick Lane Test | Final Test - Medium

Monica Ali
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Brick Lane Test | Final Test - Medium

Monica Ali
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to the Bengal Tigers?
(a) they became too radical for most people
(b) they dwindled with the end of the Lion Hearts
(c) they continued as they were
(d) they became a part of the Hamas

2. Mrs. Islam tells Nazneen that after their debt is repaid, she will:
(a) help Chanu find a good job
(b) hold a big going away party for them
(c) pay for their ticvkets to Bangledesh
(d) loan them more money

3. Hasina says that she is:
(a) looking for her husband
(b) not like their mother
(c) just like their mother
(d) wanting to return home

4. Shahana has begun to:
(a) look forward to mvoing to Bangladesh
(b) taunt her father
(c) tease Bibi about life in Bangladesh
(d) cry about moving

5. Why does Nazneen attend the meeting in preparation for the Bengal Tigers march?
(a) she wants to know what Chanu is up to
(b) sahe wants to see Karim again
(c) Chanu forbade her to attend
(d) Chanu decided they would both go

Short Answer Questions

1. When Nazneen hears Chanu and Dr. Azad discussing drug abuse, she thinks of:

2. Nazneen's affair with Karim is:

3. The attendees decide that they will support all but:

4. When Raiza and Nazneen are shopping, Nazneen:

5. Wher does Chanu send an email to inquiring about a job?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Hasina's secret?

2. Why is Nazneen concerned when Chanu wants her to attend the Bengal Tigers meeting?

3. What indication is there of Nazneen's confusion over what she wants?

4. What is the cause of Nazneen's illness?

5. Why does Nazneen decide to attend the meeting at the mosque?

6. How does Nazneen get Mrs. Islam to forgive the debt?

7. What alarms Nazneen when she listens to Chanu and Dr. Azad talk at dinner?

8. What does the entire family attend?

9. What happens that accelerates Chanu's plan to move his family to Bangladesh?

10. When Nanzeen tells Karim of the plans to move to Bangladesh, what does he tell her?

(see the answer keys)

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