Brick Lane Test | Final Test - Easy

Monica Ali
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Brick Lane Test | Final Test - Easy

Monica Ali
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Nazneen tells Karim that she:
(a) is going with Chanu
(b) has nothing to say
(c) wnts to marry him
(d) doesn't want to marry him

2. Chanu says that Nazneen had:
(a) nervous exhaustion
(b) pneumonia
(c) nervous breakdown
(d) epilepsy

3. Why does Nazneen attend the meeting in preparation for the Bengal Tigers march?
(a) she wants to know what Chanu is up to
(b) Chanu decided they would both go
(c) Chanu forbade her to attend
(d) sahe wants to see Karim again

4. What is passed around for all to see during the meeting at the mosque?
(a) an article by Karim
(b) membership application
(c) a petition
(d) pictures of children

5. After the meeting Karim:
(a) asks to talk to her husband
(b) keeps Nazneen informed of events in the Muslim world
(c) wants Nazneen to be more involved in mosque events
(d) ignores Nazneen

6. What does Shahana ask Chanu?
(a) to be allowed to go out at night with friends
(b) to wear Western clothes
(c) to eat Western food at home
(d) to leave her and Bibi behind when they go to Bangladesh

7. In their neighborhood, there is now tension between:
(a) whites and blacks
(b) radical Muslims, Muslims and non-Muslims
(c) Muslims and police
(d) gangs

8. Hasina writes her sister to:
(a) to criticize their mother
(b) to arrange a reconciliation with their father
(c) tell a secret
(d) to give her advice

9. What happened to the Bengal Tigers?
(a) they continued as they were
(b) they became a part of the Hamas
(c) they became too radical for most people
(d) they dwindled with the end of the Lion Hearts

10. The attendees decide on the name of:
(a) Hamlet Bears
(b) Bengal Lions
(c) Bengal Tigers
(d) Hamlet Tigers

11. Where Chanu says he will talk to her employer about Nazneen receiving more money, Nazneen:
(a) says she's lucky she has work
(b) says it will do no good
(c) does not want Chanu to talk to him
(d) says she already asked and was refused

12. When Nazneen confronts Chanu about the money from Dr. Azad, she finds:
(a) they leave for Bangladesh in five days
(b) Chanu is going without her
(c) Mrs. Islam was lying
(d) there was no such money

13. Nazneen gets Mrs. Islam to forgive their debt by:
(a) threatening to call the plice
(b) throwing them out
(c) refusing to pay
(d) telling her to swear on the Qur'an that she is not a usurer

14. What does Hasina do with the money she receives from Nazneen?
(a) buys jewelry
(b) she helps pay the medical bills of a friend
(c) saves it
(d) buys new clothing

15. Nazneen thinks her relationship with Karim will:
(a) make her a social outvast
(b) bring about her death
(c) be acceptsd by the girls
(d) be difficult for her firls to understand

Short Answer Questions

1. Nazneen finds herself thinking more and more of:

2. What does Chanu plan to do in Dhaka?

3. When Raiza and Nazneen are shopping, Nazneen:

4. How does Nazneen travel to meet Karim:

5. The purpose of the meeting at the mosque is to:

(see the answer keys)

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