Briar Rose Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Briar Rose Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Becca want to continue in Chapter 22?
(a) Shopping.
(b) Learning about Poland.
(c) Learning the Polish language.
(d) Her quest to find answers about Gemma's past.

2. What does Gemma's version of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale make no mention of?
(a) The king's party.
(b) The curse.
(c) The thorns.
(d) The Prince's fate.

3. What does Becca bring to Magda as a gift in Chapter 18?
(a) A bouquet of roses.
(b) An American guidebook.
(c) Chocolate.
(d) Blue jeans.

4. What question does Becca ask Gemma in Chapter 13?
(a) Whether or not Gemma enjoys telling this story.
(b) Why the story always makes Gemma sad.
(c) Why the princess falls asleep.
(d) Why the prince is always the one to rescue the princess.

5. What does Sylvia try to do when she calls Becca in Chapter 16?
(a) Tries to convince Becca to invite her along.
(b) Tries to convince Becca to tell her a secret.
(c) Tries to convince Becca not to travel.
(d) Tries to convince Becca to lend her money.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the person who recognizes Gemma in the photograph, what did she have with her at the camp?

2. Where do Becca and Magda wait for Josef in Chapter 24?

3. How many people were exterminated at Majdanek?

4. What does Becca realize about the ring in Chapter 24?

5. What does Harvey note about the refugees during their stay in the camp?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Becca's family members try to dissuade her from doing in Chapter 16?

2. Where does Gemma tell Becca the Briar Rose story in Chapter 15? Who else listens, and what does he object to?

3. What does Becca question Gemma about her story in Chapter 13?

4. What does Magda say about the teacher who taught her about the concentration camps?

5. In Chapter 12, what does Becca note is missing from the ending of Gemma's version of the Briar Rose story?

6. What realization does Becca have when she meets Josef Potocki?

7. Why does Becca point out that Gemma had no tattoos?

8. How does Gemma explain that the cursed, dead people in her story can have future lives?

9. In Chapter 24, why does Josef ask Becca to visit his house, and for how long?

10. In Chapter 20, what does Magda say inspired her to return to her own Jewish roots?

(see the answer keys)

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